X Q is the output. upper N e They forward the data input to one of the outputs depending on the values of the selection inputs. The demultiplexers are used along with multiplexers. From there the sum of minterms and the logic function for a 2:1 MUX can be derived. An enable input makes the multiplexer operate. ) So, each combination will select only one data input. {\displaystyle \scriptstyle I_{0}} A common multiplexer is the 8:1 Mux which selects one of 8 bits of input. The IC is commonly used in circuit where a 4:1 MUX or a 1:4 DEMUX is required in a Programmable Logic circuit Design. Multiplexer. A multiplexer with 2N input lines requires N select lines. 1 In larger multiplexers, the number of selector pins is equal to $${\displaystyle \scriptstyle \left\lceil \log _{2}(n)\right\rceil }$$ where $${\displaystyle \scriptstyle n}$$ is the number of inputs. A set of select lines are then used to choose which of those inputs gets produced as output. log In some cases, the far end system may have functionality greater than a simple demultiplexer; and while the demultiplexing still occurs technically, it may never be implemented discretely. Any Boolean function of n variables and one result can be implemented with a multiplexer with n selector inputs. ⌉ The configuration of the Multiplexer IC to Arduino is shown in the figure below. Signals to the select lines usually come from a control unit that determines which, if any, of the signals should be routed to some destination. this IC is most suited for high-speed bipolar memory chip select address decoding. inputs has Multiplexers can also be used to implement Boolean functions of multiple variables. Manufacturer: NXP Semiconductors. Micrel’s Precision Edge® product family includes precision frequency synthesizers, clock distribution and translation, multiplexers, crosspoint switches, and high-speed gates — all aimed at meeting the most rigorous, timing-critical applications. 0 Z IC 2 receives its power directly from the V+ and V- terminals of IC 1, whose ±5.5V outputs come from an internal charge pump.The multiplexer handles rail-to-rail signals, so obtaining its power from IC 1 ensures that RS-232 signals pass directly through, regardless of amplitude. ) is the output: These tables show that when f ( A, B, C) = Σ ( 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 ) with don’t care (7) using 4 : 1 MUX using as There are several ICs designed to perform the operation of different types of multiplexers. = For example, an 8-to-1 multiplexer can be made with two 4-to-1 and one 2-to-1 multiplexers. It consists of two identical and independent 4-to-1 multiplexers. {\displaystyle \scriptstyle Z} 54L153 : Dual 4-Line To 1-Line Data Selector/Multiplexer. ∧ {\displaystyle \scriptstyle \left\lceil \log _{2}(n)\right\rceil } For example, consider a data bus that is connected to multiple memory storage units. Z Pins 5 and 6 are the outputs, the output on pin 6 is the inverted version of the output on pin 5. 10174 : Dual 4-To-1 Multiplexers. The circuit's supply-voltage range (3V to 5.5V) makes it compatible with 3V and 5V logic. If X is the input and S is the selector, and A and B are the outputs: A {\displaystyle 2^{n}} m Subscript k Larger multiplexers are also common and, as stated above, require ⌉ A HIGH on E forces the corresponding multiplexer outputs LOW. is the number of inputs. {\displaystyle \scriptstyle Z=A} inputs indicate the decimal value of the binary control inputs at which that input is let through. Question: O#4 I 10 Point] Design A 64 X 1 Multiplexer (MUX) By Using Minimum Number Of 8x1 Multiplexers (MUX With Enable Pin) And Additional Logic Elements As Needed. A multiplexer (mux) or a data selector or input selector is a combinational circuit device that selects one of N inputs and provides it on its output. Specification. : 1350117. The relation between the selection lines and the input lines is given in the equation below. 74153 : Dual 4-Input Multiplexer. selection lines. in a 3:1 MUX, the SEL=11 combination is not allowed). MUXes are core components in most digital systems as they can be used to pass the correct signal based on some conditional logic. A set of select lines are then used to choose which of those inputs gets produced as output. S Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – Digital Circuits. [3] The schematic symbol for a multiplexer is an isosceles trapezoid with the longer parallel side containing the input pins and the short parallel side containing the output pin. Additionally multiplexers have also found their way to various other circuits such as adders. 0 Consider a register file with 32 registers where we only want to select a single register at any given time. The 7400 series has several ICs that contain multiplexers: Demultiplexers take one data input and a number of selection inputs, and they have several outputs. 6 Buy Now in our Online Store. This type of demultiplexer is available in IC form and a typical IC 74139 is most commonly used dual 1-to-4 demultiplexer. In 4 to 1 line multiplexer there are four input lines named as I0, I1, I2, and I3. Here, for constructing the multiplexer circuit, 7404 IC for NOT gate, 7411 IC for AND gate and 7432 IC for OR gate are used. l n It is intended for use in applications requiring high voltage switching controlled by low voltage control signals such as ultrasound imaging and printers. This page was last modified on 18 November 2018, at 10:53. https://en.wikichip.org/w/index.php?title=multiplexer&oldid=84044, This section requires expansion; you can help, This section is empty; you can help add the missing info by. A very fast and compact, CMOS-based PTL logic, 2:1 MUX device can be built using two transmission gates as shown below. The two 4-to-1 multiplexer outputs are fed into the 2-to-1 with the selector pins on the 4-to-1's put in parallel giving a total number of selector inputs to 3, which is equivalent to an 8-to-1. CD4051BE – 1 Circuit IC Switch 8:1 240Ohm 16-PDIP from Texas Instruments. : PCA9545APW,112. [4] The schematic on the right shows a 2-to-1 multiplexer on the left and an equivalent switch on the right. It can handle both analog and digital voltages hence can be used in Analog to Digital and Digital to Analog converters. Since there are ‘n’ selection lines, there will be 2 n possible combinations of zeros and ones. Here the pins X0, X1, X2 and X3 are the four input pins and the pin X is its corresponding output pin. wire connects the desired input to the output. Such multiplexer can be design from four 8:1 Mux. It does mean that for multiplexers with odd number of inputs, some selection line combinations are not allowed (e.g. Since digital logic uses binary values, powers of 2 are used (4, 8, 16) to maximally control a number of inputs for the given number of selector inputs. S Strobe i/p helps in cascading. 74150 : 16-Input Multiplexer. is the selector input, and In this case, the cost of implementing separate channels for each data source is higher than the cost and inconvenience of providing the multiplexing/demultiplexing functions. to the output. A multiplexer is often used with a complementary demultiplexer on the receiving end.[1]. There are many way to construct a 4:1 Mux, one possibility is using 2:1 Mux as shown below: Alternatively, a 4:1 Mux can be built out of basic gates. {\displaystyle sel} A 2:1 MUX can also be built using an AOI222 gate. 2 In the case of a 2-to-1 multiplexer, a logic value of 0 would connect $${\displaystyle \scriptstyle I_{0}}$$ to the output while a logic value of 1 would connect $${\displaystyle \scriptstyle I_{1}}$$ to the output. A) Draw The Logic Circuit And Label All The Devices, Inputs, Outputs And Enable Pins. Demultiplexers are sometimes convenient for designing general-purpose logic because if the demultiplexer's input is always true, the demultiplexer acts as a binary decoder. We can use this IC in both digital and analog applications. This IC can work as a universal function generator for generating any logic function of four variables. 2 A set of inputs called select lines determine which input should be passed to the output. 74HC157 is a 2-input (2:1) Multiplexer IC. Typically larger multiplxers (over 8 or 16 inputs) are built using smaller multiplxers using a multiplexer tree. then MUXes are core components in most digital systems as they can be used to pass the correct signal based on some conditional logic. Equation Other common sizes are 4-to-1, 8-to-1, and 16-to-1. ( {\displaystyle \scriptstyle A} I Note that the implementation below is an active-low. CD4052 is a dual 4-channel IC that can be used as both 4:1 multiplexer and 1:4 demultiplexer. Here’s the module for AND gate with the module name and_gate. Applications of demultiplexer. The enable is on pin 7. selector pins for left-parenthesis upper A logical-and upper S overbar Subscript 0 Baseline logical-and upper S overbar Subscript 1 Baseline right-parenthesis logical-or left-parenthesis upper B logical-and upper S 0 logical-and upper S overbar Subscript 1 Baseline right-parenthesis logical-or left-parenthesis upper C logical-and upper S overbar Subscript 0 Baseline logical-and upper S 1 right-parenthesis logical-or left-parenthesis upper D logical-and upper S 0 logical-and upper S 1 right-parenthesis. This would be typical when: a multiplexer serves a number of IP network users; and then feeds directly into a router, which immediately reads the content of the entire link into its routing processor; and then does the demultiplexing in memory from where it will be converted directly into IP sections. ) A multiplexer of n I2C Multiplexer 1 Element 4 Input 20-Pin TSSOP Tube. A Multiplexer or Mux is a device that has many inputs and a single output. I For each multiplexer, the select inputs select one of the four binary inputs and routes it to the multiplexer output (nY). Part no. Find Computer Products, Electromechanical, Electronic Design, Electronic Kits & Projects and more at Jameco. In digital circuit design, the selector wires are of digital value. We can confirm this in the following Boolean expression. is the kth minterm of the variable. Analog Devices offers a comprehensive portfolio of switches and multiplexers covering single to multiple switch elements with various signal ranges in a variety of packages to best suit customer application needs. Get same day shipping, find new products every month, and feel confident with our low Price guarantee. HV20822 is a 220V, 16-channel, high-voltage analog switch integrated circuit (IC) configured as 2 sets of 8 single-pole single-throw analog switches. For example, 9 to 16 inputs would require no fewer than 4 selector pins and 17 to 32 inputs would require no fewer than 5 selector pins. Implementing a Multiplexer With an MC14052B IC. 2 Superscript upper N Large multiplexers can always be built from a collection of smaller ones. Multiplexer is a combinational circuit that has maximum of 2 n data inputs, ‘n’ selection lines and single output line. 10173 : Quad 2-Input Mux With Latched Outputs. At the receiving end of the data link a complementary demultiplexer is usually required to break the single data stream back down into the original streams. This means that any function of the selection bits can be constructed by logically OR-ing the correct set of outputs. left ceiling log Subscript 2 Baseline left-parenthesis upper N right-parenthesis right ceiling The relation between the number of output lines and the number of select lines is the same as we saw in a multiplexer. The top transmission gate controls if the input from A should pass to the output while the bottom transmission gate does the same for the B input. A truth table is provided on the right. Those types of multiplexers can be hooked up directly to a shared bus ensuring that only one signal is being generated on the bus at any given time. One can use a multiplexer to select which of those lines should be going to the shared data bus. + Add to favorites. ⌈ While this is mathematically correct, a direct physical implementation would be prone to race conditions that require additional gates to suppress.[5]. The simplest multiplexer is the 2:1 MUX (or MUX21) which simply selects its output from just two possible inputs. Multiplexer and Demultiplexer Multiplexer. = 4 to 1 multiplexer ic available at Jameco Electronics. As we only have one control line, (A) then we can only switch 2 1 inputs and in this simple example, the 2-input multiplexer connects one of two 1-bit sources to a common output, producing a 2-to-1-line multiplexer. The pinouts of the IC is shown below. n Tri-state multiplexers are MUXes that do not force a LOW when enable is 0 but instead go into a High-Z state. s 4 / 4 = 1 (till we obtain 1 count of MUX) Hence, total number of 4 : 1 MUX are required to implement 64 : 1 MUX = 16 + 4 + 1 = 21. A multiplexer can be designed with various inputs according to our needs. {\displaystyle \scriptstyle S_{0}} 8-channel analog multiplexer/demultiplexer with latch analog 20 CD74HC4351: 74x4352 2 … 2 The o/p Y is same as the selected i/p & Y is its complement. Multiplexers generally only come in a few common sizes. The binary value expressed on these selector pins determines the selected input pin. 54LS152 : Data Selector/Multiplexer. In electronics, a multiplexer (or mux; spelled sometimes as multiplexor), also known as a data selector, is a device that selects between several analog or digital input signals and forwards the selected input to a single output line. select lines, which are used to select which input line to send to the output.[2]. Micrel's Timing Products for Clock Buffers, Drivers. If one of the variables (for example, D) is also available inverted, a multiplexer with n-1 selector inputs is sufficient; the data inputs are connected to 0, 1, D, or ~D, according to the desired output for each combination of the selector inputs. That is, 2^m = n. Depending on the value of the binary number formed by the select lines, any one of the output lines connects to the input line. Manufacturer no. logic diagram for 8×1 MUX Verilog code for 8:1 mux using structural modeling. S 74138 is a 3 to 8 line decoder or multiplexer IC. The 74HC153; 74HCT153 is a dual 4-input multiplexer. This is especially useful in situations when cost is a factor, for modularity, and for ease of modification. This IC gives inverted output except for Data input 2C pin(15) in case of 1 to 4 Demultiplexer. The boolean equation for a 4-to-1 multiplexer is: The following 4-to-1 multiplexer is constructed from 3-state buffers and AND gates (the AND gates are acting as the decoder): The subscripts on the 0 An example to implement a boolean function if minimal and don’t care terms are given using MUX . Q = A.I0.I1 + A.I0.I1 … B Both circuit elements are needed at both ends of a transmission link because most communications systems transmit in both directions. {\displaystyle \scriptstyle S_{0}=0} n 0 Pricing and Availability on millions of electronic components from Digi-Key Electronics. to the output while a logic value of 1 would connect The control pins A and B are used to select the required input to the output pin. The image to the right demonstrates this benefit. 0 A multiplexer makes it possible for several input signals to share one device or resource, for example, one analog-to-digital converter or one communications transmission medium, instead of having one device per input signal. {\displaystyle \scriptstyle n} For a 2:1 (two-to-one) MUX, when sel is 0, q = a and when sel is 1, q = b. Microchip Technology. Its pin configuration is shown in the table given below. CD4052 as 4:1 Multiplexer: Where Larger Multiplexers can be constructed by using smaller multiplexers by chaining them together. The 7400 series has several ICs that contain demultiplexers: Multiplexers can also be used as programmable logic devices, specifically to implement Boolean functions. and Fig. ADI switches and multiplexers are used in a wide and growing range of applications from industrial and instrumentation to medical, consu {\displaystyle \scriptstyle B} 74151 IC is a high-speed digital multiplexer with 8 input. Conversely, a demultiplexer (or demux) is a device taking a single input and selecting signals of the output of the compatible mux, which is connected to the single input, and a shared selection line. inputs, you also need [1] The selection is directed a separate set of digital inputs known as select lines. A single inverter is used to invert the selection line value to one of the gates so that only one of them (e.i. In the case of a 2-to-1 multiplexer, a logic value of 0 would connect Part Number: ROBOT 74712C Description: MUX IC for Sensormatic/American Dynamics Robot Multiplexer Price: $39.00 Larger Picture *Firmware, IC Remover Tool. Its function is shown below: Q = A 4:1 Multiplexer is a common multiplexer that takes selects one input among 4 and connects it to its output based on a 2-bit select line. Decide which logical gates you want to implement the circuit with. For example, consider a data bus that is connected to multiple … 74153 ic datasheet., temwell@vital-ic. For a multiplexer with {\displaystyle \scriptstyle S_{0}=1} :1 can be expressed by. 1 It's often desirable to add an enable (or strobe) input EN to a multiplexer. It has four similar multiplexers inside it and hence it is called as Quad package 2-Input Multiplexer. 25: $2.39. Multiplexer ICs. One of these data inputs will be connected to the output based on the values of selection lines. ¬ Where A, B, C, and D are the four inputs. The variables are connected to the selector inputs, and the function result, 0 or 1, for each possible combination of selector inputs is connected to the corresponding data input. When EN = 1, the multiplexer performs its operation depending on the selection line. {\displaystyle B=(X\wedge S)}. It is a CMOS logic-based IC belonging to a CD4000 series of integrated circuits. Here, we used the 8-channel 74HC4051 multiplexer IC. {\displaystyle A=(X\wedge \neg S)}, B = ( IC 74150 performs the operation of 16 : 1 mux, IC 74151 performs the operation of 8 : 1 mux, IC 74153 is used to perform 4 : 1 mux, and IC 74157 performs the operation of 2 : 1 multiplexer. In larger multiplexers, the number of selector pins is equal to Normally strobe (G) input is incorporated which is generally active low which enables the multiplexer when it is LOW. I Various multiplexers are available in discrete chips as well for both 7400 series and 4000 series. The device is made of Schottky diode which makes is a high-speed device and compatible with TTL IC. . X A 2-to-1 multiplexer has a boolean equation where To the right is the typical schematic of the 74151, 16-pin DIP IC. The MC14052B has two 4×1 multiplexers inside. Often, a multiplexer and demultiplexer are combined together into a single piece of equipment, which is conveniently referred to as a "multiplexer". The device features independent enable inputs (nE) and common data select inputs (S0 and S1). The 74151 is a popular 16-pin DIP IC that implements an 8:1 mux. but when The Multiplexers are also heavily used in I/O operations, data buses, and register files. Explanation: IC 74154 is used for the implementation of 1-to-16 DEMUX, whose output is inverted input. {\displaystyle \scriptstyle Z=B} S Signals to the select lines usually come from a control unit that determines which, if any, of the signals should be routed to some destination. Demultiplexer ICs. The IC 74154 and IC 74155 are the demultiplexer ICs, which perform 1-to-16 demux operation and 1-to-4 demux operations respectively.. For telecommunications, see, Digital subscriber line access multiplexer, Computer performance by orders of magnitude, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Multiplexer&oldid=992486516, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Both outputs available (i.e., complementary outputs), Output is open collector and same as input, This page was last edited on 5 December 2020, at 14:48. A multiplxer is a device that receives multiple inputs from usually different sources. Typical schematic of the selection inputs multiplexer can be designed with various inputs according to our needs this the... Available in discrete chips as well for both 7400 series and 4000 series for a MUX! N variables and one result can be implemented with a multiplexer IC can! Few common sizes cd4052 as 4:1 multiplexer: where larger multiplexers can always be using... Of them ( e.i, inputs, you also need [ 1 ] the schematic on the and! 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