As as every single woman prays, and then takes note of what the Lord is telling her, this is how you can increase the light in your life, or the truth in your life. Russell M. Nelson was born on September 9, 1924, in Salt Lake City, Utah, to Marion C. Nelson (1897–1990) and his wife, F. Edna Nelson (née Anderson; 1893–1983). Sister Sheri Dew: President Nelson gave a talk called “Hear Him.” What have you learned about hearing Him, how to hear Him, from being married to President Nelson? Elder Nelson’s previous marriage was to Dantzel White Nelson, who died 12 February 2005. Danztel died February 12, 2005, just shy of the Nelson’s 60th wedding anniversary. Reduce and simplify. What I learned through that travel, as well, is sacrifice is so important to really staying converted when I would meet people who had gone through great sacrifice to join the Church. And then he stands to the side for me to go in through the doorway first. [5] She started teaching at the U of C as an assistant professor on the nursing faculty in 1981,[5][6] and completed a Ph.D. in family therapy and gerontology there in 1984. He really does pray for the people of the world, even when there isn’t a camera rolling. Sister Sheri Dew: What do you know today that you didn’t know three years ago? So let God’s will prevail. Great sacrifice to keep their covenants. So, like I say, our life doesn’t look anything like that. In fact, as President Russell M. Nelson points out, His pattern is one of "using the unlikely to accomplish the impossible." Sister Sheri Dew: Thank you for “Come, Follow Me.” Thank you for home-centered, Church-supported. If I take a question to the scriptures, I can get it answered.” Stick with what you absolutely know to be true and do not look to the right or the left. I know we have a living Prophet. It’s reaching out and wanting to meet with the imams of the mosques in the South Island in New Zealand, where there had been a terrorist attack. You had been a very successful professor, you had a reputation around the world for some of the things that you had written in your field, you had been a professor of marriage and family therapy, as well as a therapist. Sister Wendy Nelson: I love that question. I mean, we think about so many things that he has done. The current president of the church, Russell M. Nelson, was an accomplished heart surgeon before he was called as an apostle at age 59. I don't know how he does what he does. As I hinted at, instead of the traditional format for this Church News podcast, we are going to step back and listen to a conversation between these two amazing women. Elder Russell M. Nelson and his wife, Wendy, were on a Church assignment when the incident happened. And, in fact, he will sometimes say, “I’m better today than I was yesterday.” So imagine, I sometimes say to him what someone else said, and that is, “What do you think we’ll be doing 1,000 years from now,” because I’ve shared a lot with these first 15. There was no warming up. Our home is designed by both of us to make sure that the Spirit can be there and full abundance so that hearing Him is always on our mind. Let God’s love prevail. [4] In 1986 she became an associate professor on the nursing faculty. Elder Russell M. Nelson and his first wife, Sister Dantzel White Nelson, who died in 2005. So what looked really impossible, what felt just overwhelming, over time, really diminished. That’s what we’re talking about. Dantzel Nelson, wife of heart surgeon Elder Russell M. Nelson of the LDS Church's Quorum of the Twelve, died Saturday, Feb. 12, 2005, at her Salt Lake home. Because the great-grandchildren were starting to come really fast. Supporting her husband, Elder Russell M. Nelson who was called to be an apostle in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in April of 1984, interacting with her large family and delighting in good music gave Dantzel Nelson a full and rewarding life. Russell M. Nelson urges BYU graduates to become all that the Lord wants and needs them to be by developing Christlike attributes. And it’s pretty funny, but it works. He does not like categories or labels, because he believes that also separates and segregates. Her academic work in articles and in the book Beliefs: The Heart of Healing in Families and Illness helped develop a practical and theoretical framework for family systems nursing. Russell M. Nelson as a college graduate. [5], Nelson chaired BYU's Women's Conference in 1999 and 2000. I would also say, so that they can experience how important they are and valued they are, to look for an opportunity to make a sacrifice of time or energy, and then find a way to give service with that time and energy, because sacrifice and service will absolutely let them feel part of something bigger. Let God Prevail October 2020. Sister Sheri Dew: OK, you will soon have been married to President Nelson for 15 years. They’re just deep, core good. You know, it goes on. There is a joy that compels him, because he knows it’s true, because he knows the blessings that the Lord has for these people — the promises, the blessings, the unbelievable things that we can’t even imagine. Funeral arrangements are pending. So he is compelled to do that. Sister Wendy Nelson: Yeah, there was a lot, a lot, that I stepped into. He had a large family already, but it was growing fast. The biggest insult is to say, “Oh, you’re just the same.” So he is different. Elder Russell M. Nelson and his wife, Wendy, were on Church assignment in that African nation, having dinner with the area president, his wife and the Packards the incident happened. You can just see his respect. ZDNet. Sister Wendy Nelson: Well, he loves building bridges. President Russell M. Nelson is an incredible person. So that’s what happens when he’s with the imams, when he’s with our friends from the NAACP, when he is with whomever — let God’s love prevail. But there is a concept that says the more time you spend with someone or something, or even an idea, the more you will become like that person. I never wanted to leave them because of this connection. She worked with the Family Nursing Unit (FNU) at the University of Calgary (U of C) from 1983 to 1992, training graduate students to use family systems therapy with families of patients. President Russell M. Nelson of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and his wife Sister Wendy Nelson meet with youth in Bogota, Colombia, on Sunday, Aug. 25, 2019. Russell M Nelson Wife Age . But I can tell you that one of the sweetest joys of my life is to hear him pray. President Nelson graduated from the University of Utah in August 1947 with an M.D. It’s been an adventure, in terms of absolutely how he is different. One more is that he is even more honoring of other people’s agency. Sister Wendy Nelson: Well, I can tell you that his daughters are spectacular, which is a true reflection of him as their father, and probably especially their spectacular mother, Dantzel White Nelson. I know without a doubt he was chosen premortally to be the Lord’s Prophet to the world, on the earth today, at this precise time. President Nelson, a leader of almost 17 million Latter-day Saints worldwide, has traveled extensively, changed Church organization, issued historic invitations, used technology and built many bridges of understanding. Sarah Jane Weaver: Three years ago this month President Russell M. Nelson was set apart as the 17th President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on Jan. 14, 2018. In this Church News podcast, we celebrate this milestone as guest host Sister Sheri Dew interviews President Nelson’s wife, Sister Wendy Nelson. Sadly, he passed away 10 minutes after I arrived, but I am thankful that I was at his side with his sweet wife, Mary, and their two sons when he departed this life. He can’t restrain himself. We’ve talked about how he doesn’t see color of people. Nelson was one of the leading surgeons who worked with patients suffering from coronary artery disease. He accepted the fact that he would never walk again as a challenge which would fortify his faith even further” (Russell M. Nelson: Father, Surgeon, Apostle). Funeral arrangements for Sister Dantzel Nelson, wife of Elder Russell M. Nelson of … After dating for three years, the couple married on August 31, 1945, in … Man, they’re rock solid. Reflecting on one of his own personal experiences, the prophet wrote about a time when he was guided by the Spirit to check on the late Elder Robert D. Hales, who had previously suffered a heart attack. And what has caught my attention is, he doesn’t just want to bring the gospel to every nation, kindred, tongue and people. Well, that’s to me when you know that you’re on the Lord’s errand, because I can’t do that. I think it would be terrible. It would have to be a moment when he is bringing the Savior’s love to somebody. Wendy, back off. These girls are sturdy girls, meaning they’re not on every wave that goes by, they’re not on the internet, sniffing out some specious thing that’s out there. You’ve seen large, large audiences and very small ones, in some places, whereas he’s chosen to go to where the Church is young. If after being immersed, we then only sprinkle our lives with a little Scripture here, a little prayer there, a little fasting there, we will only know enough about the gospel to feel guilty and not enough to feel joy. So that’s what I’d say is sacrifice and go give service across the room, across the street, across the world, across the veil. Because in times of high confusion, lots of things to deal with, it’s tough to figure out: What do I really believe in? And he’s looking to the next thing. Outside of general conference, the Church released special video messages throughout the year from our prophet. Wendy wrote the following in response: “Knowing that our dining table will become the sacrament table on Sunday, both of us take special care on Saturday to make sure our home is clean and tidy. I think about, here’s a man who for 34 years played the organ every Thursday for the Brethren in the temple. We’re joined not only by Sister Nelson, but by Sister Sheri Dew, the executive vice president of Deseret Management Corporation. Sister Sheri Dew: OK, your husband has now been President of the Church for three years. And he’s figured out a formula that if he does a certain thing, he will win that match. People from around the world can join President Russell M. Nelson in honoring his birthday on Sept. 6th at the conference center in Salt Lake City. And he’ll just, you know, humbly say, “Well, thank you.” And then when they walk away, he’ll say, turn to me and say, “I was just following instructions. [10][11][12] Watson became a full professor in 1997. I have learned so much from the people we’ve met. And I said, I said, “Where did those trips go?” And he said, “I just felt like we didn’t need to do them. LDS Church President Russell M. Nelson’s nine-day Pacific tour made its first stop on foreign soil Saturday, touching down in Samoa for meetings with government officials and rank-and-file members. Sister Wendy Nelson: And then the Lord will help you have eyes to see what is the next thing that is really true, then you can add that to your list, and it will be a great thing. Sister Nelson passed away in February 2005. There’s only “Oh, wasn’t that great?” He doesn’t even mention it. The Lord gives no commandment without preparing a way for it to be accomplished (see 1 Nephi 3:7). The following is excerpted from the Church Newsroom. And they’re not putting on airs, and they just want to do what the Lord wants them to do. Start looking like them even, start seeing like them. And so, of course, it’s easy for him to honor women because he has been with Dantzel who was smart and bright and inspired. President Russell M. Nelson of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and his wife, Sister Wendy Nelson, wave to attendees during a devotional in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, on Nov. 19, 2019. The other day a family friend asked my wife, Wendy, what it has been like to have the sacrament in our home. Dantzel died unexpectedly at the Nelson home in Salt Lake Cityon February 12, 2005. Church President Russell M. Nelson and his wife, Wendy Nelson, pose for photographs with family members after a press conference at the Church Office … Born September 9, 1924, President Nelson is the son of Marion C. and Edna Anderson Nelson. President Russell M. Nelson He’s wild about God’s love — laws and love. The Scriptures are answer books. And I’ve come to listen just a little bit better to what this is all about. The stories about his courtship of his second wife Wendy are incredible. Sister Sheri Dew: Everybody goes through major transitions. And I know how to follow instructions.” Such a moment that would define or represent his ministry would also show him harkening. A book exploring the life and teachings of Russell M. Nelson, current President of the Mormon Church, underwent a last minute edit before its public release on April 8, 2019. So this is early January, this is pre-COVID. Elder Russell M. Nelson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and Wendy L. Watson were married today in the Salt Lake Temple. I would tell them to absolutely keep immersed in all the light and truth they can, in terms of what they read, what they watch, what they say, what they think. And suddenly, in early January, I looked on the calendar again, and everything’s gone, meaning all those trips were gone. So you have this marriage which provides a hothouse for us to arises who the Lord really needs us to be. [4], She and Nelson were married in the Salt Lake Temple on April 6, 2006. I LOVE family stories and so do the Nelsons. Kimball L. Hunt [Visitor] on May 22, 2006 at 12:32 am said: I’m curious why someone’s mentioning an apostle’s courting by sharing dinner with a woman could be thought disrespectful. Sister Wendy Nelson: So let’s just refine that to say — since this last year was no travel — we’re really talking about 35 countries and 14 states in two years. You know the result. [5] She has written many journal articles and book chapters during her academic career. However, once we come up out of those waters, if we only sprinkle our lives — we weren’t sprinkled to be baptized, we were immersed to be baptized. Let God’s laws prevail. And all that stopped on a dime, his calendar became your calendar, and you stepped into a brave new world, as it were. President Russell M. Nelson was called as a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of ... Born September 9, 1924, President Nelson is the son of Marion C. and Edna Anderson Nelson. As his wife, what is your unique view of that? Sister Sheri Dew: I know you would love it. She is the wife of Russell M. Nelson, president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. So anything that offends the Spirit —contention. President Russell M. Nelson and his wife, Sister Wendy Nelson, wave to attendees after the Sunday morning session of the 189th Semiannual General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Salt Lake City on Sunday, Oct. 6, 2019. And I have never seen the grief that when he is aware that someone is not experiencing the blessings of what the Lord has for them because they’re breaking a commandments — that is what makes him sad. If there was a sporting game, but it became contentious rather than competitive, he would turn it off. Russell M. Nelson urges BYU graduates to become all that the Lord wants and needs them to be by developing Christlike attributes. He and his wife, the former Dantzel White, have ten children. So he does not do hover, you know; he does not do helicopter parenting. His name is Russell Marion Nelson. Elder Russell M. Nelson and his wife, Wendy, were on a Church assignment when the incident happened. He has told me that in a meeting, he will get an idea. You’re my sister.” That would be with huge congregations. He married Dantzel White (1926-2005) 31 August 1945 in Salt Lake Temple, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah. It was part of a global tour of eight countries. Fasting is real. Sister Wendy Nelson is a retired marriage and family therapist and professor and the wife of President Russell M. Nelson. Let God Prevail October 2020. He doesn’t even want to use the word must in a talk. Pictured in this 1987 photo are Elder Russell M. Nelson (left), then a new apostle of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and his late wife, Dantzel White Nelson, with … To get to your point: What did I learn through that? The very toughest thing for him, he said this the other day, the very toughest thing for him is when he reviews the cases of those where the marriage is ravaged. She was a Canadian nurse and educator. And like I say, my husband and I threw away our rear view mirror a long time ago. What have you learned about the Church? The following statement is provided by spokesperson Irene Caso regarding the passing of the daughter of Church President Russell M. Nelson. Even more than I knew three years ago, I know that there is a Prophet on the land. OK, I better start there, start there, and then try to figure out the personal element.” That’s right. And sometimes you start with, “OK, God is my Heavenly Father. They’ll feel like they’re making a difference. Marriages would be happier if nurtured more carefully. Russell Nelson Jr., the youngest, is 34. Something I’ve noticed: Two words that I’ve not heard him use before the last three years — reduce and simplify. Elder Russell M. Nelson Gets Married Posted on April 6, 2006 by Tanya Spackman Elder Nelson and Wendy L. Watson “were married today in the Salt Lake Temple. Absolutely, because he is always, ever waiting to hear the next thing, feel the next thing, be guided to the next thing. What is the next thing? To have him be voice when we are having our family prayer is really something. What do you see personally about his regard for women. Embrace the Future with Faith October 2020. Intellectual Reserve, Inc. Jan 16, 2018; And suddenly, there she was just saying “Happy Thanksgiving.” So I feel like we’ve got friends all over the world. And it really is true that with God — meaning when you are working with God — nothing is impossible. Here’s a look at what he said Morgan Jones - If there were any perks to 2020, one was that we all spent a little bit more time (virtually) with President Russell M. Nelson than usual. Dantzel suddenly died in 2005, and Russell immediately married another woman, Wendy L. Watson, in 2006. But he knows something should happen. Make your list, check it twice, about what you absolutely know to be true. I’m thrilled they are both willing to give us this glimpse into President Nelson’s amazing ministry. Then know that you are working with God and with God all things will be possible and you’ll have an amazing experience. He’s always been honoring, but he’s even more honoring of other people’s agency. Imagine this: Exactly a year ago, December 2019, I looked at our 2020 calendar to see where we would be going, where we were traveling. He’s so quick to adapt. Great sacrifice to keep learning. Prayer is real. But one she didn’t expect was being the wife of President Russell M. Nelson. And one of the very first things he ever taught his son was to honor his mother. Russell M. Nelson and his first wife, fellow University of Utah student Dantzel White, met while they both were attending college. He and his wife, the former Dantzel White, have ten children. Russell M. Nelson was set apart as the president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on January 14, 2018. I know how to follow instructions.” So meaning, “the Lord told me to do this. He … But I think that’s just shows how quick he is to adapt, which is really fascinating to watch. Because he has such confidence in their decision making ability. Sister Sheri Dew: OK, in this most recent general conference, President Nelson gave really a classic address, I think it will become a classic: “Let God Prevail.” I’ve heard it quoted a billion times in the last two months. I’ll tell you what he sees. But I’ll just give you a personal example. 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