Spa Cabins are located in natural bushland settings and are private and peaceful. Is often quite good on the higher peaks as there is a relay station on the West Coast Range. Overview Cradle Mountain & surrounding peaks. In really bad weather, once you get off the Ducane range and back to Pool of Memories, you can avoid the relatively exposed Labyrinth by instead turning hard left at the Pool (just before you cross it) and instead skirt around the edge of the lake towards Mt Geryon to a small and narrow but open glade (this is the trail mentioned above). Note that the other main access route to the range (along Stoney creek) would be horrible if you were carrying skis and gear - its steep in the top sections and scrubby, especially up high and before you drop into the rainforest. Cradle Mountain offers some of the most accessible and impressive skiing in Tassie. The adventure up and down Cradle Mountain took about nine hours, with plenty of stunning views along the way. Much of the region is rocky, with big cliffs, and in marginal snow conditions the rocks can be a real hazard in terms of skis breaking through and catching. Cradle Alpine Retreat’s fifteen luxury forest chalets have been purpose built to blend with the forest and provide the perfect wilderness retreat/mountain getaway ambiance. For a bit of high elevation fun, best bet is probably the Traveller Range - a reasonably tough climb of maybe an hour from Ducane Gap on the Overland (through one rocky cliff section - be careful) takes you to lovely open plains that stretch off into an amazing tangle of lakes, with scattered open forest of pencil pine and deciduous beech. The Ducane range contains some of the higher continuous country in this part of the state and is just stunning in winter. Another way is to climb Castle Crag when it appears straight above you, then turn right along the summit ridge until it gets really steep, and then descend leftwards into the deep and open gully that presents itself as you hit the top of the main cliffs. Ben is a Tasmania enthusiast. Given its difficulty, I would suggest doing the traverse in summer conditions before venturing out in winter. This track can be found near Narcissus hut – it comes off the track to Cynthia Bay and the Cuvier Valley and although it is sign posted at significant points – where it cuts off the main track and at Nicholls Junction where it splits from the Lake Marion track, it is a little faint in places and often very muddy in winter conditions. There is usually a nice descent down the top of the Horse Track back to the road (this is protected from the worst weather so good when conditions are intense and it tends to collect snow nicely). Cradle Mountain (Cradle Mountain - Lake St Clair National Park) | … In poor conditions, the scrub factor slows things down considerably. West Coast Wilderness Railway Queenstown, TAS As you climb the next hill along the ridge heading towards Castle Crag there are big slots amongst the boulders as you climb towards the top, this is not much fun with heavy pack and skis. When you go under the low point of the main cliff follow the base of the cliff back up and you will exit in a gorgeous saddle. Parts of this are usually exposed even in heavy snow conditions because of the wind. Photo credit: Shaun Mittwollen. Zero visability and wild winds can make movement impossible. The hike in from Dove Lake is only about 4 hours (best option is over the Marion plateau, which can have great snow cover in many years, past Kitchen hut and then on straight up the rocky face of the mountain). To climb the mountain, follow the marked trail/ boardwalk to the base of the rocky section. Once you pass into the forest, look for the drainage line - this is the easiest way down., The Mt Massif ridge. Big Gun Pass will be directly below you. If you visit this area a bit and need a break from Mount Rufus, this makes another relatively easy mountain with good snow holding ability. From Narcissus River, where the ferry will drop you at the northern end of the lake, it is a cruisey 3 hour walk in to Pine Valley hut, and from there about 1.5 hours up onto the plateau above via the Parthenon track. Ben Armstrong takes on the Cradle Snatcher couloir on Tasmania's Cradle Mountain. window.mc4wp.listeners.push( Cradle Mountain in a snowstorm. Plan Your Trip with Us. Author profile. The adventure up and down Cradle Mountain took about nine hours, with plenty of stunning views along the way. It can be quite icy, so take care on ascent. You access this via a steep climb up from the lake but once on top you get a lovely, rounded peak that offers some good runs, especially on the south. The steep access gully from Pelion Gap is an obvious high point. Relatively sheltered camping is available in the big basin on the summit of Massif. Spa Cabins. })();, The Eldon Range - Magnet for the Slightly Deranged, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Skype (Opens in new window). None of these areas are anywhere as exciting as Cradle itself. When the ridge strats to narrow out, you will find a massive gully system opening out below you on the left (Ossa) side. When he is not studying Social Science at UTAS, he is bushwalking, climbing, or attempting attempting to ski the island's elusive backcountry snow., Mount Gould from Gould Plateau The south facing slopes above Lake Wills have less cliffs but there is still a lot of rock so skiing on the upper parts of the mountain requires good control and lots of sharp turns. There is a low rocky bluff above you on your right as you enter the glade: head up here (there should be cairns visible). On the 1st – 4th February 2018, The Metropolis Ski Championships and the Financial Instances Alpine Discussion board will happen in the Swiss resort of Verbier. Double check anything found here and consult with experts before heading beyond the resort boundaries. Cradle Mountain offers some of the most accessible and impressive skiing in Tassie. Crater Peak, Crater Lake Falls bushwalk Cradle Mountain, it is possible, depending upon the weather, to take day walks to Cradle Mountain and Crater Lake, to go alpine skiing (please note: there are no lifts or ski facilities), to swim in crystal clear blue lakes, to climb Cradle Mountain or to take lengthy multi-day through the Cradle Mountain Lake St. Clair National Park. The hike in from Dove Lake is only about 4 hours (best option is over the Marion plateau, which can have great snow cover in many years, past Kitchen hut and then on straight up the rocky face of the mountain). In particular be careful about waste. You can let the weather decide which way you do the traverse: if you have a high pressure system coming in as you do the approach, consider starting the traverse at Ducane Gap. } The Cradle Of Alpine Skiing. Perhaps the best way to descend is to go to the very north east edge of the Ducane Plateau. Skiing in Cradle Mountain, TAS. The one bit of the southern end of the Overland thats especially fun in winter is through Ducane Gap - with waist or chest deep snow not uncommon and astounding views (weather permitting) of Geryon in winter garb. Cradle Mountain Hotel Blog | Best Time to Visit Cradle Mountain Pelion West would be an obvious side trip for people in need of some deeper snow while on the track. This is fairly open rocky country and then a steep but short descent into the valley holding the Pool. For details, contact the company that runs the boat - phone (03) 6289 1137 or email for extra details of cost and running times. It is no coincidence that the mountain massif with its five villages bears the name, "The cradle of alpine skiing". When you are there its all fairly obvious – especially the many steep gullies and chutes on the northward facing side of Cradle Mountain - these are visible from the Lake Dove car park and offer some exciting skiing. If you find that the trip starts as a ski but turns into a walk (it can burn off very quickly after a good snowfall, especially in the long haul from Windemere to the gap near Mount Ossa) it may be worth making a trip up onto Mount Oakleigh (perhaps spending 2 nights at Pelion hut). There is no way off the ridge between Ducane Range and Ducane Gap so make sure you either have a good weather forecast or lots of food. This area gets a vast amount of traffic and the Parks Service have done a great job of channelling this impact into particular areas. Those columnar dolerite crags can hide a fair bit of snow in the right conditions, and for these careful and daring mountaineers, there’s a chance to slide down one Tasmania’s most spectacular peaks. Enjoy a few runs down towards the valley where you can see Windy Ridge hut. Note that once you're in Big Gun Pass (and if there is good snow) its definitely worth checking out the east side below the low point in the pass. Cradle Mountain’s Western Face is certainly impressive. There are several gully systems that reach up into the cliffs so once on the summit area you can scout around for possible runs, especially off the summer walking routes, where the boulder fields breech the cliff line well up onto the highest parts of the mountain. ); Work your way around the prominent ridgeline above you as you leave the pass, then when you are around the back of the false summit cut up right wards where you will soon find yourself in the obvious shallow basin where people generally camp. You may want to think about including an ice axe and crampons for some of the steeper sections. Tasmania has some of Australia’s most technical ski mountaineering options and the Apple Isle’s most famous peak, This can be a bit gnarly, especially at the top where you drop into a narrowish gully, the lower ridge is far easier. The plateau is roughly 14 kilometres in length, 6 kilometres wide and is in excess of 1300 metres in height. Needless to say, this is remote country and subject to intense weather, especially mid winter. This is largely due to the geology of the area where the mountians are made up of vertical dolerite columns, these then fall of creating steep chutes and steep scree faces on the higher peaks. Skyline from the Acropolis to Mount Massif There is some very nice skiing in here that holds snow well. As if that was not enough, 305 kilometres of slopes and 200 kilometres of freeriding terrain make it Austria’s largest interconnected ski area. It is a remarkably 'alpine' trip, providing impressive terrain and some difficult country in winter conditions. Skiing Cradle Mountain - by Ben Armstrong - 22. It’s really worth scoping these areas out before dropping off into some gullies as they can end in cliffs. Note that there can sometimes be snow in the valley and you do need at least reasonable navigation skills, and that the bottom of the valley can be very wet underfoot (make sure you have a headlamp just in case!). On your right is a shallow basin that you cross and this leads you to a steepish and broad gully that goes below the cliffs - kind of following the loine of least resistance. Note that the normal walk/ scramble route up Geryon (from the north) can be quite dangerous in winter as it is often very icy. Once you get to the first stands of deciduous beech, it seems that the easiest route is to stay high, that is close to the base of the cliffs, as you then pass above the hardest bit of the boulderfields., The very impressive Big Gun Pass If walking, veer rightwards to pick up the ridge (be aware that there are big cliffs out there if you go too far). This whole area and the Labyrinth, in particular, is very heavily visited in summer and under considerable pressure, so please bear this in mind. There is a fantastic ledge half way up the rocky section where you can build a ledge for a camp: it looks straight across to both the northern ranges and the main face of Cradle, and is sheltered from prevailing weather, a true alpine experience. However, all the standard considerations apply – camp on platforms or in the huts wherever possible and use the toilets where you can. This is ringed by rocky hills. Skiing Cradle Mountain - by Ben Armstrong - 21. Simply drop us an e-mail and we'll be happy to answer your questions: If you’re in the UK, you can also call us at 00800 400 200 00* *toll-free; calls from mobile networks may incur charges The cradle of alpine skiing History of the Arlberg Ski Arlberg current: Lifts & Ski slopes 0/88 Bahnen 0/303 Skiabfahrtskilometer Weather & snow St. Anton / St. Christoph / Stuben ... Mountain: X … August 25, 2020. Scout around for a short, steepish gully that soon exits onto a broader slope. Ben is a Tasmania enthusiast. Cradle Mountain Canyons/Cradle Mountain Film Festival. Skiing Cradle Mountain - by Ben Armstrong - 01, Skiing Cradle Mountain - by Ben Armstrong - 02, Skiing Cradle Mountain - by Ben Armstrong - 03, Skiing Cradle Mountain - by Ben Armstrong - 04, Skiing Cradle Mountain - by Ben Armstrong - 05, Skiing Cradle Mountain - by Ben Armstrong - 06, Skiing Cradle Mountain - by Ben Armstrong - 07, Skiing Cradle Mountain - by Ben Armstrong - 08, Skiing Cradle Mountain - by Ben Armstrong - 09, Skiing Cradle Mountain - by Ben Armstrong - 10, Skiing Cradle Mountain - by Ben Armstrong - 11, Skiing Cradle Mountain - by Ben Armstrong - 12, Skiing Cradle Mountain - by Ben Armstrong - 13, Skiing Cradle Mountain - by Ben Armstrong - 14, Skiing Cradle Mountain - by Ben Armstrong - 15, Skiing Cradle Mountain - by Ben Armstrong - 16, Skiing Cradle Mountain - by Ben Armstrong - 17, Skiing Cradle Mountain - by Ben Armstrong - 18, Skiing Cradle Mountain - by Ben Armstrong - 19, Skiing Cradle Mountain - by Ben Armstrong - 20, Skiing Cradle Mountain - by Ben Armstrong - 21, Skiing Cradle Mountain - by Ben Armstrong - 22. At the bottom of the valley you exit via an obvious boulder field, to a not-very-obvious semi clearing (the 'Geryon climbers camp'), then follow occasional yellow markers downriver for another 1 1/2 hours until you reach the trail to the Acropolis, just on Cephissis creek. This is a great camping spot in summer and is the obvious open and long basin on the summit. There is a great descent off Ossa if you travel to the southern end of the summit plateau (towards Mt Massif). Cradle Mountain is one of Tasmania's most visited tourist attractions, and one well worth a visit ... even for those who prefer paths less travelled. While it looks gruelling to the novices, Armstrong said it was not always treacherous — but it is advisable to be fit. Many of the pioneers of modern skiing came from the region with one, Stuben’s Hans Schneider, is credited with inventing the modern alpine skiing technique and it is also … { Also be away that many of the little hollows up on the range, that may appeal as protected campsites, are likely to be small pools/ tarns. On rare occasions you can ski almost all the way through the park except for south of Ducane Gap, although snow starts to melt on the lower areas straight after a big dump. The hosts and landlords of the five Arlberg villages St. Anton, St. Christoph, Stuben, Zürs and Lech look forward to welcome you to enjoy winter sports in the fresh mountain air. While the trail is very obvious in summer and marked by cairns, these tend to disappear in winter so take things slowly if you don't know the mountain, especially on the climb onto Geryon itself. Its a damn long way out if you hurt yourself. Ducane to Geryon. Slides/ small avalanches are possible in some gullies, especially after heavy falls and there is occasional loose rock in some gully systems. Oakleigh has a nice high summit plateau above 1200 metres which stretches across to Tarn of Islands. } In good snow cover this is a great trip, it can be scubby in other conditions. Cradle Mountain and other mountains the the Cradle Mountain National park have some of the steepest and most exposed skiing in Australia. Unlike most other higher areas in the northern end of the park, this summit is not very rocky, making it better in marginal snow conditions. For extended skiing trips, Waterfall Valley hut makes a great base, even though it is at least an hours walk back up to the mountain each day. In winter the best bet may be to sidle out right as you hit the cliffs, then follow the next obvious weakness/ gully system above. There are some large boulderfields here that are really slow going – allow 3 to 4 hours to get from the ridge to Ducane Gap, and the forest can be really thick once you pass the boulder fields. If you are after touring rather than lots of steep runs, this is a great option, Ducane Gap is only a 4 hour walk from Narcissus hut (accessible by the ferry service) and it has substantial areas that hold snow cover well – generally the northern end of the range is above 1,100 metres. Instead, remember to stay hard right when you are heading into the valley: you need to cross the prominent ridge in front and slightly on your right to pick up the cairned trail down to Ducane Gap. This is the relaxing bit admidst a lot of hard work. Access is via a well marked but very steep climb through a south facing gully system, take care, it can be very icy. Some interesting research into the impacts of human waste on the Tasmanian high country can be found [here]. However, the rest of the trip is completely exposed, this is very rocky country, pretty much boulder fields the whole way and there are some gnarly sections. There are a number of cairned routes up through the gully systems above you to get to the summit. In about 150 metres you come out onto an open rocky area with incredible views up to Mt Geryon. When needing a toilet break it is imperative that you do so outside the catchments of the enclosed lakes on the Labyrinth (Ophion, Elysia, etc)– walk or ski out to the edge of the plateau, or consider taking 'poo tubes' with you. So, the short version of what you need to bear in mind is that you should not consider skiing in the region unless you are suitably experienced and have all the appropriate gear. There is some good skiing down this side of the hill Facilities include Family Rooms and Free Wifi. Its all fairly short runs down into the deciduous beech but once you are in there you can then start to work your way around towards Geryon (but staying under the cliffs). You can get sheltered camps as you head over the top of the range towards Lake Helios. Ducane is one of the most extensive high areas in this part of the state - with consistent patches of exposed country up to 1,500 metres, and it holds snow well. The top of this route is easy to find: continue along the ridge from Mt Massif until Castle Crag is immediately above you. 7 Miles from Cradle Mountain. Pelion West is a big bulky mountain that obviously has some good lines on it when its in good nick, but honestly, the whole place is incredible at all times and when there’s lots of snow, you’re just in heaven: you really can’t go wrong. Ben Armstrong takes us along an ambitious and steep adventure on Cradle Mountain, with Ben Grindle & Shaun Mittwollen. It is best to do a summer trip first to get used to the conditions, especially if venturing into remote areas like th Traveller Range, Ducane Range or Ducane traverse. To make matters harder, Tasmanian weather can easily swing from snow to rain, making camping sometimes a miserable experience: in this sense synthetic sleeping gear and fleece are better options than down. The last section, from the base of the mountain through moderate to horrible scrub to Ducane Gap is not much fun in mediocre snow conditions. event : evt, You can also access this gully from near the summit, where there is an obvious gap as you head towards Ducane Gap. The summit itself is a narrow and long ridge, with cliffs on both sides, you just need to follow one of the gullies up through the cliffs to gain the plateau. – for this section from the flat plateau that Lake Elysia sits in to the Pool of Memory, it is best to find the track as the scrub is quite thick, it is a steepish descent and it can be very wet underfoot at the Pool itself. Skiing through the Labyrinth on an attempted winter Du Cane Traverse. One benefit of winter walking/ skiing/ snow shoeing is that there are a lot fewer people on the track, you can do the overland from either direction (in summer you must do it north to south) and you don't need to book. callback: cb As of winter 2008, there is generally a daily service at 2pm if there is sufficient people wanting the service. The Wilderness Gallery Cradle Mountain, TAS a uniquely beautiful day trip with ten rooms of outstanding wildlife photography inherently appealing to children plus multimedia displays. - when descending off Mount Massif towards Castle Crag be aware the obvious ridge that leads towards Castle Crag is very dangerous. A trail starts here and descends very steeply straight into the valley below (sections of this would be a pain with skis as the forest is quite dense and at least one section requires a downclimb over a short rockface) in thick forest. Marion plateau is wildly exposed, often the snow is piled up in heaps due to wind and this can make for choppy conditions. "Back-country skiing is essentially downhill skiing, but without the lifts so it's human-powered uphill," he said. } One way to avoid crowds, and enjoy an experience most … From here you should be able to ski along the highish and flat plateau towards Mount Gould, veer rightwards to the skyline of the ridge and then down onto the other – western – side of the Minotaur. Work your way around Lake Elysia (you may be able to follow the cairns), then descend to Pool of Memories. As a special thank-you we’ll send you our special “36 Wonders of Tasmania” PDF map. Cradle Mountain Hotel Blog | Things to Do in Tasmania | Cradle … Key thing to remember is that there is a 400 metre-ish drop on that side. When you come out in the open grassy area at the bottom, follow the weakness through the scrub to pick up the Overland just south of Ducane Gap. While it looks gruelling to the novices, Armstrong said it was not always treacherous — but it is advisable to be fit. Fingers of dolerite cut vertically a half kilometre into the humid southern atmosphere framed by glacial lakes and stands of Pencil Pine. From the saddle where you finally hit the ridgeline there are two main options, both take you into great skiing terrain when the snow is right: - Either follow the rock cairns right, under the Parthenon to the wonderful tangle of lakes that make up the Labyrinth. And Free Wifi this part of the rocky section able to follow the cairns,. Length, 6 kilometres wide and is just stunning in winter PDF map is available in the big on! The most accessible and impressive skiing in here that holds snow well Massif ridge other conditions research the., 6 kilometres wide and is the easiest way down admidst a of... Our special “ 36 Wonders of Tasmania ” PDF map on an attempted winter Du Cane traverse cairned... But without the lifts so it 's human-powered uphill, '' he said. downhill skiing, cradle mountain skiing without lifts. 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