Sam and Dean investigate a case that leads them to a devout religious family that lives off the grid. At this point, Sam and Dean are stoic about their mother leaving, because that’s pretty much what she does. In the Arabian tradition, djinn are creatures made of smokeless fire, which were created after angels and before humans. It’s sad that Mary wasn’t really able to do that, and that the show wasn’t able to really make me understand why. I don’t know who made that decision, It though me out of the story and I pretty much never got back. Sorry, Maggie. As Mary and Bobby climb the stairs, Sam follows them with his eyes, trying to smile, then nervously glances at Dean as though to reassure himself that his brother is still here with him. The season consists of 20 episodes and aired on Thursdays at 8:00 pm (ET). I am grateful to read your words and those of the comments so far. We’re given the impression Sam had some quality Mary time while Dean was a Michael suit, but as soon as Dean came back — she’s out. It left me wanting desperately to know what’s going on with Dean and what’s in his head (some part of Michael? I so would love that. They certainly aren’t all running credit card scams (and don’t get me started on how Sam managed to set up a server – those things ain’t cheap if you’re building a good one). Yes yes, those small moments and these actors’ ability to infuse them with so much emotional meaning are what makes this show the extraordinary thing it is. Dean: (smiling the proudest big brother smile ever) Well, she learned from the best. It left me wanting desperately to know what’s going on with Dean and what’s in his head (some part of Michael? Drvadayjjvp2wm. But this Bobby hasn’t earned my love, or even my caring about him. More commonly known as a genie, djinn (or jinn) are supernatural creatures in Arab folklore and Islamic teachings which occupy a parallel world to that of mankind. My sister and I watched it together (she in New Jersey, me in California) and everytime AU characters were on, we were saying, “don’t care, get out of the bunker,” and since she has been on the show, we’ve been referring to Maggie as Enid (a TWD character) and I just CAN’T care. "I wish." (The devil is in the details, as they say.) I do not like them in the bunker. But particularly that little moment, when Bobby calls, and Sam just looks so dejected and scared – he even glances at Dean before he goes. It's at this point in the conversation Roundhouse drops a reference to Supernatural, one of The CW's biggest shows, saying, "This is some straight-up Sam and Dean stuff." Obviously a lot of baggage there. lol I think most people would agree with you – on both counts! Get out of the bunker”. Meanwhile, Sasha hears noises in the attic but when she goes to investigate, a vampire attacks her. We follow Sam down the hall and up into the attic. I also saw a lot of adult fears in this episode — trying to let go the things you believe you can blame your parents for because of your troubled adult-life. Mary, sadly is not the Parent our boys deserve; every episode, I hope, every episode, she disappoints. Anyway, Sam and Mary find a pile of discarded IDs and realize they’re from a hunter, who’s nowhere to be seen. Send every revived character back where they came from and Mary along with then.them. You only sleep 3 hours a night. Thanks Lynn! Smooth) Sasha, why don’t you go make me a sandwich? Nifty! There are way too many of them, and I don’t like them in the bunker and that all translates into me just not caring very much what happens to them. And then Bobby and Mary leave. within about five minutes and kicks them out. I never liked the AU “hunters” (using that term very lightly) setting up camp in the bunker. romance and Maggie-sue being out of her depth left me sighing in frustration. That means Bobby too. This is a great scene, playing out slowly like I mentioned. And we’re left with hmmmm that groundskeeper seems shady. I did a rewatch (like you have to do after the big reveal in the Sixth Sense) and yes, Glynn and actor Chris Patrick-Simpson were actually able to make it work by having the Djinn determined to play along. And people have to be saved and if we don't save them, then nobody will." So of course Sam Winchester, the brave brave Sam Winchester, heads for the attic. I look forward to reading them every week! Supernatural Nightmare Logic Review Dean enters the room, clearly having figured out the real cause behind the unexplained creatures. They could talk about the people they have met along the way. Supernatural | Season 14 Episode 5 - "Nightmare Logic" Spoiler Alert! Another possibility on the table! And yet not back, because this looks like Bobby and talks like Bobby and is surly like Bobby, but this is NOT Bobby. Almost. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. At this point, Sam and Dean are stoic about their mother leaving, because that’s pretty much what she does. Funny thing is, I worshipped him when I was a kid. He accuses Sam of not being “a real leader” which of course goes right to Sam’s vulnerability since he’s worried about that very thing. As for Sam’s new role as leader….. well, he’s definitely a different kind of leader than Dean. ... Then, obviously, the djinn tries to attack Dean and that's when we see that, for some odd reason, Dean is immune to the djinn's powers and that's when Dean attacks him and kills him. My guess is that it’s the things Michael’s done but being a Sam & Dean fangirl I want it to be Dean’s intense fear of losing Sam or something else Sam related. I still want to punch Bobby in the face for what he said to you and you’re already trying to help him. Instead, it left me scratching my head and wondering where the hell we’re going from here and what the hell the Djinn saw in Dean’s mind. We didn’t see her react when he staggered back into being himself, and we haven’t seen her ask Sam how he’s doing either. The show will always be about Sam and Dean, first and foremost. This time is less onerous, with Mary assuring them that she’s just a half day away and she’s there for them if they need her, and Dean assuring her “Mom, go. I felt a bit bad for this Bobby trying to find his place after fighting and losing his son. Dean gets attacked by a Djinn, a creature capable of warping reality. He almost takes a back seat to Sam, allowing him to exercise his leadership muscles, but he’s right there, paying close attention. BTW, I NEVER thought Dean wanted Mary to just cater to them. So in that case it keeps people away but still… So was Maggie under the Djinn spell? I’m wondering though if it’s possible that when Nick/Lucifer disappeared after killing his neighbor that Michael found him and possessed him and let Dean go for now. (Brilliant dialogue here, the progression of those three pronouns perfectly encapsulating Dean’s struggle to not take responsibility for what Michael did!). Mary seems unable to relate to her boys. Anyway, Sam and Mary find a pile of discarded IDs and realize they’re from a hunter, who’s nowhere to be seen. In Supernatural, djinn are humanoid monsters with elaborate tattoos whose hands or eyes can glow blue. I’ve only been a fan of this show for a year and a half (and yes, I’m kicking myself for not watching sooner), but in that time I’ve learned to love and obsess over the relationship between Sam and Dean. I still want to punch Bobby in the face for what he said to you and you’re already trying to help him. Because she can’t be in every episode, they have to find a way to write her off for a bit which just made her an unlikable character in the beginning. The Djinn was a. With Season 15 of Supernatural bringing the series to an end, we trace the path of the Winchester brothers with one great segment per season from the beloved series’ 327-episode run. . This episode was smart and full of twists and turns and dead ends, which is just how I like my Show. The Show has been guilty in the past for teeing something up and just leaving it (Example – Cas and the Big Empty. Maggie was attacked by the “old man” and strung up. They are, praise the lord, still talking to each other openly. We just get to see the guys do their thing in little episodic bits and pieces (the good parts, too, no doubt about it). Almost had tears in my eyes, and trust me – that takes a lot, I don’t tear up easily over fiction in general. The boys were raised by their father from an early age to hunt and kill supernatural beings, be they monsters or demons. I see them as refugees, and most likely largely untrained ones. That knowledge is locked somewhere in Dean’s mind. I know there are fans who don’t like that Dean is suddenly not the leader and that he was on the sidelines this episode, and let me say that I don’t want it to stay like this either, but I can enjoy a little while of role reversal as long as it gives me insight into Dean’s head space and gives him an important role to play. I always thougth the Winchesters (and support cast) were reflecting about the monsters within us and the faith, determination, and love that helps us fight them along our life journey. I also don’t care about Maggie or the AU folks. Maggie has never seemed like someone who should be a hunter, and we haven’t been given any reason to care about her. However, Neil recoils in horror at what he sees in Dean's mind, allowing Dean to retaliate by bashing Neil's head with a bookend. Seeing Jenny return in the finale of Supernatural (let the tears begin) was a shock to fans. This episode could have worked better if it were Jack in peril instead. Summary: AU: The Djinn siblings created a terrible detailed nightmare for Dean out of revenge, nearly killing him, Lisa, and Ben. I don’t have to say anything because you said it all, perfectly. Bobby is once again surly and accuses Sam of letting Maggie hunt alone when she wasn’t ready. It took me a little while to realize that the pace was slower than I’ve grown used to – but once again, that turned out to be a good thing. Before he dies, the djinn taunts him, as monsters often do. Dean knows how much Sam needs to hear that gratitude and celebrate a rare rescue. Although Sasha is initially confused, Dean entices her to leave the room and pulls his gun on Neil. Supernatural began in 2005 and follows the adventures of the Winchester brothers Sam and Dean. Dean, meanwhile, has a chat with Sasha. Or maybe some kind of artifact Michael left there. We end with the brothers, because Meredith knows how much this means to me and that this is how Supernatural should always end. I hope we get a payoff for what the Djinn saw in Dean’s head. And the talk between Mary and Bobby was so reflective of what the Winchester brothers have lived through or off-screen talked about. Some memory that’s so horrific even a djinn can’t stand seeing it?). The episode started out slow, and at the first break I was feeling a bit meh about it. Cas's body seized as blue fire coursed into his eyes, filling them with the djinn's poison. Anyway, spot on review. The problem is both Dean and Sam are much older, experienced, grown-up. I just feel…numb. They are not the “two boys he raised and they grew up great, they grew up heroes.” This Bobby doesn’t love them like his own sons. So we have demon hunting university 2.0 (3.0?) He senses when Sam needs to hear that he’s doing a good job, especially when someone who is NOT a father figure to them but feels like it keeps telling him that he isn’t. Neil is a djinn and he’s killing hunters. I also love when the writers do their homework and web in the canon from past episodes. Ok I don’t see where the upgrade Michael gave the Djinn helps them. Dean sneers, because you do NOT threaten Dean’s family. For that the djinn gets an upgrade, and is able to read minds and see nightmares … Its left me heartbroken for him, do the AU hunters not have hearts? Plus, they are eager to learn from one of the best (Sam), beyond whatever they used to know back in their old existence. Dean, undeterred by the fact that he doesn’t have the lambs-blood-dipped knife to kill a djinn (thank you Meredith for the canon continuity! And I’m with you on the tears and tissues , “Don’t care. I just have gotten used to a faster pace on this Show, so it took until the halfway point for me to realize I was actually appreciating the Show taking its time for a change. So of course Sam Winchester, the brave brave Sam Winchester, heads for the attic. He says he’s been trying to get past what “I…we…HE did” and that he was starting to feel like himself again. Thanks, Lynn, for sharing your impressions of the “Nightmare Logic” episode. At least Dean is getting to talk with one-off characters that we can be sure aren’t going to turn into a long-term time-suck away from the epic love story of the Winchesters. Poor Sam, his reserves clearly on zero and feeling the burden of responsibility, immediately starts catastrophizing and falling into hopelessness, so it’s a good thing Dean is back to pull him out of it. And Sam keeps looking back to make sure his safety net is there but still inches out to the ledge because he needs to in order to live/survive. He had a beautiful wife, a job, and his mom was alive, but his fantasy was actually a nightmare. Meanwhile, Sam and Dean realize that the vampire manifestation was probably trying to keep Sasha out of the attic. It’s those little things that let me know that the actors also realize that Sam and Dean can’t be as okay with this as they’re trying to seem. Family Don’t End With Blood: Book Review at Miss Raee, Supernatural Psychology: Book Review by Clearing Out The Clutter, Family Don’t End With Blood: Book Review by Nerdy Fandom Life, Check out these reviews about FDEWB by axy on Instagram, Blog 1 and Blog 2, Family Don’t End With Blood: Book Review by The London Geek, Video of Jared and Jensen talking about FDEWB at SPNDC. Here they are, in this place that is an AU “to them,” and they have at their disposal all of the Men of Letters library and history–along with everything that add to Sam and Dean’s reputation. Pat. I think Michael is still very present in Dean. The brothers realize that the parents are hiding a huge secret that could destroy them all. I-I really, really do, but you're having some kind of psychotic breakdown, so, I...just –" Sam said. He’s lived a different life; he doesn’t even know Sam and Dean. That little movement of his hands? It’s also weird, though I assume we’re supposed to assume that Mary has had some conversation with Dean over the weeks that have passed, but we’ve never seen it. After reading your review, I have to say you pointed out things that only emphasis what I believe is happening in the show. Our leading heroes, who we’ve fallen in love with over the course of 13 years, are now being used as narrative tools to develop boring side characters in ways that feel forced and land flat because we have absolutely no reason this late in the game to start caring about people from an alternate universe who can’t even be bothered to acknowledge their hosts with a “thank you” when they bring home a young girl who shouldn’t have been hunting on her own in the first place and surely wouldn’t have returned without them. I guess so? We have a small group of characters who we really care about and I don’t have it in me to add a whole lot more to that list, especially if it tends to push out the ones I DO care about. Sam manages to machete the vampire into dust and free Maggie. I want the bunker emptier and the cast of characters less like a nameless horde, but I like that this season is spooling out hints about what Michael is really up to and how that is tied up with Dean little by little, and that I legitimately don’t know where that story is going. Dean does that a lot when he is worried or upset. I think – like Sam and Dean – I’ve just watched Mary leave too many times. They KNOW each other; they care about each other. But being a mother by caring and wanting to understand and listen to their life story that she missed. Just spitballing here – there was a scene last season – before Michael took up residence in Chez Dean – where Lucifer and Michael met up and made a deal? Two in a row, yeah, I dig it. That’s what I love most about the story. Dean sneers, because you do NOT threaten Dean’s family. This week’s Supernatural episode didn’t leave me jumping up and down and squeeing to the rooftops – but that’s not actually a complaint. He débuts in the first episode of the first season. Thank god for benzos. Dean tells Sam that Maggie wants to get out there and hunt again, and Sam is surprised. The ignition key turns by itself and the engine starts. The homeowner himself turns out to be comatose, taken care of by bubbly nurse Neil (Chris Patrick-Simpson). They come to the house to see the owner and find Mary and Bobby already there. Also that they don’t talk down to the viewers. Far below Quibi's valuation. Oh, and Dean has also figured out it’s a djinn. Dean compliments Sam on his innovation of having the hunters wear body cams, and he’s the one again encouraging Sam as they head out to look for Maggie, saying that they’ll find her and bring her home. We've teamed up with Saje Flow to give our readers a 30-day life changing experience that could lead to you winning 3 months of life coaching. Dean: There was this one time. As Mary and Bobby climb the stairs, Sam follows them with his eyes, trying to smile, then nervously glances at Dean as though to reassure himself that his brother is still here with him. The brothers switch back and forth throughout the series, one of them stepping up and the other standing back and supporting, then vice versa. Djinns are depicted in the Quran as beings with powers. This surprised me because I usually enjoy Meredith Glynn’s writing quite a bit. I don’t know if Glynn set it up that way on purpose, but to me it was telling. Dean’s fear of dying alone during a hunt forgotten. Dean doesn’t hesitate to defend Sam again, saying that he’s doing his best – better than his best! Neither of them look convinced, and that’s heartbreaking. It’s just awkward. Dean confronts the Djinn, who it turns out thinks he’s Michael come around to test the Djinn to see if he’s following Michael’s instructions: kill as many hunters as you can. That he’s still trying everyday to deal with the Mom he has versus the Mom he wants? They could talk about John as they knew him and the sacrifice he made for Dean, as well as some of the bad things. The only time we heard about a vampire was when NurseDjinn used one to scare off the daughter. So many ways that could go, but makes one think that Michael just might be sitting dormant there just setting up the hunters until he has a chance to pull the plug on the Winchesters. It’s too disconnected from Sam and Dean and their story at this point). He hides things until they extrude from his skin like stellated polyhedra . Ouch! This is a great scene, playing out slowly as I mentioned. We enjoy many of the same things. You only sleep 3 hours a night. Sasha: I’m just gonna go make that sandwich…. It left me as fascinated as I’ve been for fourteen years by the way Sam and Dean care about each other, and frustrated with all the people in the bunker who I don’t care about. Thanks again Lynn, for another spot on review and sharing your thoughts and feelings about the episode. It’s not, however, adorable that Sam isn’t getting enough sleep. He teases Sam to break the awkwardness, telling him that he did a great job with the whole camp counselor vibe and offering to get him a whistle. He struggles but cannot open them. Dean: (WTF?) To put their needs first just on occaision. They are not the “two boys he raised, and they grew up great, they grew up heroes.” This Bobby doesn’t love them like his own sons. I think so, yes. I don’t know if the writer’s intend it this way, or if Jared and Jensen just brilliantly play it so, but they always look like two little lost boys when she leaves. Thanks again. The garage door starts winding down by itself and he looks at it, confused. I really was pissed about what he said to Sam, it was a total turn around from what he said when they all got to this world. The thing is, intellectually I feel for Mary too. The more it seems like my show, the more I care , Great review Lynn, as always. They explore the Rawlings family’s private cemetery, Sam explaining to Dean what a walker is and Dean indignantly retorting “I know what a walker is, Sam!” Then it’s into the crypt by flashlight where they find marks of someone being dragged across the floor. It plays out organically and realistically, and it gives us a beautiful glimpse into Dean’s headspace by paralleling him with Sasha. ), shoots the djinn in the knee and pisses him off. It’s worth another note that YES, it feels so satisfying when the writers remember their own canon and reference it. If these people are going to be hunters than they can just dispatch them across the US. BuzzFeed includes FDEWB in their list of books that will change your life! The brothers are always a good team when they’re together, always knowing what the other one needs to hear in order to keep going. She doesn’t write down to the viewer, letting us be confused about what’s going on just like Sam and Dean are and rarely hitting us over the head with those painful anvils. Dean: What kinda vampire lets its dinner go AWOL? He kills the djinn, and then empties seven bullets into him too, in a moment chillingly reminiscent of demon or Mark of Cain Dean. Sam and Dean bring Maggie back to the bunker (I refuse to say “home”) and the other AU hunters welcome her with hugs and smiles. Dean (Mr. I don’t like Sam being a camp counselor with a bunch of nameless flannel wearing red shirts who at the end of last season they were actively trying to resettle *outside the bunker. We don’t get to find out, because Dean channels all that rage we know he’s holding inside and bashes the djinn’s head in. Ewww). Because as a fan I thoroughly detest this whole AU arc which was written just to being back favorite characters. That’s really the crux of the problem – it doesn’t feel like Supernatural when it’s too crowded. You nailed it when you said that the Show is basically saying hey it’s Bobby just like him, same with the other AU faces we recognize. He’s all awkward when Dean walks in, which is telling – Sam is clearly not comfortable being the leader when Dean is around. Outside of Mint Condition I have tuned out nearly all of Sam’s scenes thus far when he’s not with Dean, and I *hate* feeling that way about one of the two characters that I love (slightly less than I love his older brother, but I still love him) simply because they insist on pairing him with all the extra characters that they just won’t kill off already. Out of all the former monsters, Jenny was once the innocent human that Sam and Dean tried to save, but was turned into a vampire. . I cringed at the use of the word “home” because the bunker is NOT their home, all the AU hunters. Dean stays in this mode when Sam gets upset that Maggie (Katherine Evans) didn’t check in, trying to reassure Sam that she might still be alive. As for Mary….. she is the most frustrating part of the show for me. Sorry, they need to move out and find their own homes, the Bunker belongs to Sam and Dean. I get she’s a working Mom and I support that, but Mary is not, and never has been, a real Mom to Dean and Sam, she didn’t even take a break when Dean was a baby, she was out hunting, saving Asa Fox (totally not Asa’s fault!). So kudos to Meredith Glynn for another solid episode that felt like Supernatural. Sasha: My dad wasn’t the best person…. I absolutely love the reciprocity of the brothers’ relationship and how that’s shown in these two back-to-back episodes. Michael told Neil to find a quiet place to set up shop and kill as many hunters as possible. Ghoul? That’s a good point. Sigh. ALL NAMES, TRADEMARKS AND IMAGES ARE COPYRIGHT OF THEIR RESPECTIVE OWNERS. Dean tells him. It’s….weird. Supernatural, “Nightmare Logic ... And I liked an angry Fuck You Dean when dealing with the djinn. I’m late to the party as I just found the emotional fortitude to watch the last two episodes. It could be an interesting thing to explore – how does it feel to have someone who was SO important to you, who was like a father to you, whose death was incredibly painful, back suddenly? Is 100 % done with the last two episodes the perfect life when he found himself the... Course Sam Winchester, also known as Squirrel, is a manifestation, Fred. Also love when the writers do their homework and web in the show wants us to care each... ‘ fun ’ experiences worst ever and has no impact is clueless about horror movie act. Of what the Hell DID he see?????????., then Bobby to Mary ’ s leadership to remember that Sam and Dean are stoic their! 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