This has been read 26,343 times. Spreads on when this will go under three hours?! 'Sub-three hours would be great, wouldn't it!' ', 'It was really good to have my own splits to try and keep to. The Cuillin Traverse record is set on a ridge from first summit of Gars-bheinn to the final summit of Sgurr nan Gillean. jcm. Finlay Wild on Gars-bheinn the night before a recent Traverse. He brought a small pack with a liter of energy drink, energy gels and Jelly Babies candies. The adventure has long been considered one of Britain's greatest alpine challenges and has a forty-year history of speed ascents. So far, all we've asked of you is that you visit and interact with the site but we are in uncertain times. UKClimbing is a vibrant web site with rich content and an amazing community. New Cuillin Ridge Winter Traverse Record by Uisdean Hawthorn Uisdean Hawthorn On Monday 26 th of February 24 Year old Scot Uisdean Hawthorn set a new record for a winter traverse of Skye’s iconic Cuillin Ridge with his time of 4 hours, 57 minutes and 7 seconds knocking more than an hour and a quarter off the previous quickest ascent. ', 'I've really enjoyed watching Fin's progress towards the record, wondering if he would break it and how much by. By the time you get to Naismith's there's this fantastic feeling of flow and reaching over for the good hold just feels instinctive! Two incidents at the weekend, one on the Black Cuillin ridge and another at the Storr, took the team's tally for call-outs so far this year to 55. [Photo] Ben Wear. The victim was left in a critical condition after Friday’s incident on the Cuillin Ridge on the Isle of Skye. But it's not all about speed records, he says: 'The great thing is that there's such a lot of the Cuillin still to explore - I only recently did the Clach Glas - Bla Bheinn traverse, and have barely done any roped climbing on Skye at all.'. 'I've spent a lot of time up there in the wet and mist so felt confident of my route finding - especially having had such a good look at it all just a week previously' he said. Amazingly, Finlay ran a time of 3:10:30 the week previously - but in an impressive show of discipline decided it didn't count because he'd failed to touch the summit cairn of Sgurr Mhic Choinnich, despite passing 10 metres from it. On Monday, 24-year-old Uisdean Hawthorn trotted across Skye's iconic Cuillin Ridge in 4 hours 57 minutes, knocking more than 1 hour 15 minutes off the previous winter record, set by Finlay Wild and Tim Gomersall in February 2016. Brilliant! (Running) Saturday 05 May 2007 10:47AM. 'Then some racing on rough terrain like Ben Nevis or Glen Rosa Horseshoe. Matt Hardy was our body double for Finlay Wild, record holder for the Cuillin Ridge traverse and the subject of our capture in a couple of days time. He arrived at Sgurr nan Gillean 3 hours, 17 minutes and 28 seconds later - a time which eclipsed the previous best by some 15 minutes. I knew it would be close so shoved some more jelly babies in and continued onwards to Naismith's and arrived delighted at the summit of Sgurr nan Gillean in 3h14m58s, as the sun decided to briefly show face. Tresidder finished the traverse cautiously and was rewarded with a "broken specter" at the top, where his shadow was cast onto the lower-lying clouds. In doing so he smashed his own previous two records, both of which he achieved earlier this year. By Mountain Equipment | March 16th, 2019 If you appreciate UKClimbing then please help us by becoming a UKC Supporter. This was my third traverse in three weeks – a week ago (9/6/13) I ran a time of 3h10m30s in perfect weather only to realise I had inexplicably omitted to touch the summit cairn of Sgurr Mhic Choinnich, despite passing 10 metres from it! Scottish runner breaks speed record for Cuillin Ridge. This traverse, in perfect running conditions, was my fourth this year. The Cuillin Ridge on the Isle of Skye provides exciting and dramatic scrambling terrain, exceptionally unique in both quality and quantity. The person I admire most however, is Eric for starting it all off and of course The Skye Challenge will take some beating. For his successful attempt Finlay had no support on the ridge, which meant soloing all the graded pitches. On Sunday 16 th June 2013 I recorded a time of 3 hours 14 minutes and 58 seconds for a Cuillin Ridge Traverse, under the Hyslop 'rules' (all 11 Munro summits, plus the Sgurr Thearlaich and Bidein Druim nan Ramh tops, including the four main ‘climbing’ sections. Only about 13 hours quicker than my traverse yonks ago... :-). 16th February, 2016. There's more from Es about this in a recent blog post here. Follow what Finlay gets up to on his blog. 'Over the past year and a half it has been a project and a dream to go faster on it and so I have had loads of great days out reccying various sections... One of the most memorable times was the day after I broke the Glamaig record and, still buzzing, headed up to Bealach Coire na Banachdich through the mist. Matt gallantly dashed backwards and forwards over the rough ground, bobbing amongst the gabbro like a chamois, following our instruction over radio comms and patiently waiting for the right wisps of cloud to frame the shot. So it was that I returned on Saturday night for an optimist's weather window Sunday morning. 12km long, 3000m of ascent, 11 Munros (peaks over 914m or 3000ft), over 30 summits and technical rock climbing up to Very Difficult (if the easiest line is taken) makes the Cuillin ridge traverse the most challenging mountaineering journey in the United Kingdom. The ridge never rises above 1000 meters, and the volcanic gabbro makes for relatively low-angle climbing. A clip posted on social media shows the heart stopping moment three daredevil BASE jumpers leap from the Cuillin Ridge on the Isle of Skye. Uisdean Hawthorn. This is just brilliant. The words above may read familiar to those who have attempted the Cuillin traverse. Incredible effort from Finley! "It was like running in heaven.". Es Tresidder has been helpful with discussion and info – very sporting given that I was chasing his record. "Near the end, I knew I was going to break the record by a long way. We think he's joking. However, the technical scramble requires expert route-finding on exposed, sustained terrain; some guides have compared its physical challenge—3000 meters of elevation gain and another 3000 in descent—to solos of Mont Blanc and the Matterhorn, back-to-back. Some experienced mountaineers might pull off the 12km feat, with 3000m of ascent and descent, in … I left Gars-bheinn at 5am, expecting the cloud to lift and the temperature to shoot up. Uisdean Hawthorn Sets Cuillin Ridge Winter Traverse Record at 4:57:07. Although I fell behind them I knew I was in with a good shout by the time I got to Bidein.'. At a time where accurate information about Covid-19 was vital to our community, this was the right decision – even though it meant a drop in our income. He's won the Ben Nevis Race for the past three years, and got the Glamaig Hill Race record last year (44m27). I gradually dropped behind my own split times from a week ago, and at Bidein was 4 minutes behind. This can be in a small way or in a larger package that includes discounted products from our sister-publishing company Rockfax. New Cuillin Traverse Record. Later on, from Bidein there are quite a lot of slabby parts where the margin for error was narrower in the wet and definitely slowed me up a bit. But during the run you're so focussed on the route and what your hands and feet are doing that you don't really have time to think about being tired. Show your support UKC Supporter badge on your profile and forum posts. Tresidder broke the ridge traverse record on May 4 with a time of 3:17:28, fifteen minutes faster than the previous best. Share. The record I set for Skye’s Cuillin ridge back in 2007 has been broken at last. The weather didn't improve but as I was making good time I kept going. The horseshoe-shaped ridge spans a number of peaks, eleven of them Munros (3,000'+ peaks), beginning at Gars-bheinn and ending at Sgurr nan Gillean. 'A friend has done it onsight in 7hrs which is fantastic. From ScottishClimbs. My ego was relieved yesterday when I saw he'd only broken it by a modest margin (2.5 minutes), but this morning I see the record should perhaps stand nearly 5 minutes faster again! It had been raining heavily overnight and everywhere there were bright cables of white torrents flowing down from the dark rock, glimpsed through the mist - that felt very special.'. The last section is super exposed, so you don't want to rush it because you're really tired." Congratulations. Skye is the largest and northernmost of the Inner Hebridean islands and its deeply indented nature gives it 400 miles of scenic coastline. This takes approximately 9-15 hours to complete in ideal weather conditions. The next week was lived in a sort of limbo of checking weather forecasts and mental preparation for the next run. 28th February 2018 New Cuillin Ridge Winter Traverse Record by Uisdean Hawthorn. I remember you both coming past me 10 years ago on my first (failed!) As it turned out, the majority of the traverse was done in misty and slightly damp conditions. In 1967 Eric Beard ran the ridge in four hours and nine minutes. Wild has the fastest known time for the Cuillin Ridge traverse on the Isle of Skye, completing the crossing in 2:59:22 in 2013. Over the past six years I’ve often wondered who would break it and when. On Sunday 16 June, Finlay set an impressive time of 3:14:58 - coming in just under Es Tresidder's 2007 record of 3:17:28. On Sunday conditions were far from ideal too, with mist and damp rock to hinder his progress. Its stand-out feature is the Inaccessible Pinnacle, or In Pinn, a 20-meter spire on Sgurr Dearg that most protect and rappel with a rope. 'Anyone who does it onsight in a day must've had a brilliant day out' he said. 'Everyone is different but for myself I feel a solid grounding in all aspects of climbing and mountaineering are key' he told us. It is an Alpine-style rock climbing route with scrambling over exposed terrain of grades I, II and III. says Finlay. He downclimbed the spots that are usually abseiled. In February 2016, Wild and Tim Gomersall made a winter crossing of the Cuillin Ridge … Rubha an Dùnain, an uninhabited peninsula to the south of the main ri… This dawned on me slowly and horribly while walking down from the ridge, so later that day I made the tired journey back from Glen Brittle to Sgurr Mhic Choinnich to consider what had happened – unfortunately this confirmed I had made a 5 second important omission. Starting Gars-bheinn and finishing on Sgurr nan Gillean). You can show your support in one of two ways; both come with rewards, and one includes discounted products from Rockfax. On Saturday 12th October 2013 I had one of the most memorable runs of my life to give a new Cuillin Ridge Traverse record of 2hrs 59mins 22 seconds. © Rob Beaumont. Finlay Wild has set a new speed record for the Cuillin Main Ridge Traverse, shaving about 2.5 minutes from the previous fastest time, despite misty and damp conditions on the day. [Photo] Esmond Tresidder. Please help UKClimbing continue to provide varied and free content by becoming an official UKC Supporter. Here's what to do. jcm, Exactly. © UKClimbing Limited. On Monday, February 26, 2018, Uisdean Hawthorn set a new record for a winter traverse of Skye’s iconic Cuillin Ridge with a time of 4 hours 57 minutes 7 seconds. Awesome and humbling!'. What advice would he offer to anyone hoping to do a traverse? A week before Tresidder broke the thirteen-year record, he ran the ridge, more circuitously than necessary and without enough water, in 3:59. The times for speed attempts are measured from  Gars-bheinn to  Sgurr nan Gillean, the southernmost to the northernmost summit on the ridge, and the 'rules' include doing all the main climbing pitches on the Traverse. Describing the Cuillin Ridge as a scramble would be like billing K2 as an exciting mountaineering route – true, but fatally understated. All rights reserved. ', 'I knew I had the strength for it having done it a week before, so it was the weather that played on my mind really. Jump to: navigation, search. Finlay Wild at the Fairy Pools after his traverse© Suzy Devey, Inaccessible Pinnacle / Sgurr Dearg 1.24.08, Bidein Druim nan Ramh (Central Peak) 2.28.50. 'I would say I know the main traverse route very well now' Finlay reckons. It offers 11 ruggedly beautiful Munro peaks, often a nemesis for hill-walkers due to the exposure, complex terrain, and difficult route finding. On May 4 Edinburgh-based mountaineer and runner, Es Tresidder, scrambled—in record time—one of Britain's proud mountaineering feats: the Cuillin Ridge Traverse (primarily Class III and steeper, with four sections of 5.6, ca. 'The Cuillin record is a nice one to hold because it requires so much work to break it. ), but I know it well so just took my time. I admire Es for this achievement, as the ridge was/is one of my favourite places in the world. The Cuillin Ridge Traverse - Britain’s finest mountaineering challenge Twenty-two peaks lie in a continuous chain stretching over twelve kilometres. Also Roger Wild with whom I did my first traverse 10 years ago, and lots of reccy'ing since. Cuillin ridge record! Skye MRT's previous record was 52 incidents in 2015. So you sit there as record-holder knowing that in order to break your record someone will have to put a lot of effort in, and that in doing so they too will have some amazing experiences that you can re-live vicariously. 'Definitely a bit closer to that, anyway.'. A handful of short rock climbs are encountered along the route but these are not a problem compared to the physical and mental effort required. That record held until Andy Hyslop bested it by five minutes in 1984; Hyslop lost the lead in 1986, but regained it in 1994 with a time of 3:32. Inn pin downclimb. Es Tresidder scrambling off Sgurr Mhic Choinnich with the In Pinn in the background, Cuillin Ridge, Isle of Skye, Scotland. The 'classic' two day traverse means you get plenty of time to take it all in too. Due to the rocky nature of the Cuillin they have historically been of little use for agriculture: this contrasts with the majority of the highlands, where the hills were used to provide seasonal grazing for cattle and sheep. 12 kilometers), Isle of Skye, Northern Scotland. The whole traverse certainly felt more serious than in the previous bone dry conditions, but it was still going well so I pushed on over the next more runnable section and by Bruach na Frithe was just behind Es Tresidder's 2007 split. Though I could never come near his standard. They create the Cuillin Ridge Traverse-one of the finest and longest Alpine-style rock-climbing routes in Europe with over 4000 metres (13,000 feet) of ascent and descent. To save time, like other speed contenders, Tresidder soloed the ridge ropeless. Sarah Stirling interviews the Scot, who can see Skye from his house. There is then 12km of continuous scrambling mostly along a narrow crest with concentration required on every step. Cuillin experts reckon that perhaps only 10% of climbers succeed on their first attempt. attempt at the ridge in a day and was impressed at the speed you were both going then. Probable Cuillin Winter Record for Wild and Gomersall . The site will continue to be mainly funded by a subtle level of outdoor-only advertising but we now need extra support to ensure we can continue to provide the UKC that we all know and love. Dan Bailey - . We asked previous record holder Es Tresidder what he thought of the news: 'First of all a massive congratulations to Fin' he said. "The day turned out to be one of the most spectacular I've ever seen," Tresidder said. On Monday 26 th of February 24 Year old Scot Uisdean Hawthorn set a new record for a winter traverse of Skye’s iconic Cuillin Ridge with his time of 4 hours, 57 minutes and 7 seconds knocking more than an hour and a quarter off the previous quickest ascent. The Cuillin traverse is a 12km long, technical (up to Very Difficult in the British rating system, or lower 5th class in the US system) ridge traverse with about 3000m of ascent. Myself and Suzy hid from the midges and rain showers at Glen Brittle campsite, then headed as far as Sgurr nan Eag well into the night as the skies cleared. ', 'It's so intricate that even the best runner/climber in the world couldn't just turn up and break it onsight. New Cuillin Ridge winter traverse record by Uisdean Hawthorn On Monday 26th of February 24 Year old Scot Uisdean Hawthorn set a new record for a winter traverse of Skye’s iconic Cuillin Ridge with his time of 4 hours, 57 minutes and 7 seconds knocking more than an hour and a … If FW can do 3.10 then chunks of several minutes are still coming off the record, so you'd think there was no question it'll go under three hours in the reasonably foreseeable future. On Sunday 14th Feb Finlay Wild and Tim Gomersall pulled off probably the fastest ever traverse of the Cuillin main ridge … The length is around 12km with some 3000m of ascent. Setting a new Cuillin Traverse record It takes the average walker two days, a mountain guide, good climbing skills and a great deal of guts to traverse the Cuillin Ridge on the Isle of Skye. 12 kilometers), Isle of Skye, Northern Scotland. Despite the lack of earlier human presence in the hills themselves, there is much evidence of historic settlement in the surrounding glens, with prehistoric hut circles found in Glenbrittle, and a stone circle identified in Glen Sligachan. To complete the traverse as fast as possible, he carried only the essentials—a bit of food and drink. Congratulations again Finlay. Due to such a lot of recent time on the ridge the route finding went very well, except for an error descending Sgurr na Banachdich. At one point coming off Am Bhasteir, Tresidder lost his way in the fog but regained familiar rock to finish on Sgurr nan Gillean. Scottish Highlands based GP, Finlay Wild, has broken his own Cuillin Ridge speed record. The exposed nature of the low-angle ridge makes it difficult to go fast; the scramble usually takes a fit climber between twelve and twenty hours to complete. The 29-year-old, from Fort William, ran the epic 12km ridge on the Isle of Skye in just less than three hours. Approaches and descents to the Ridge take a total of 6 hours. In 2019, if you typed ‘Cuillin Ridge’ into Google, you’d get 93,000 results; and if you searched UK Climbing’s forums, you’d find more than 350 separate On May 4 Edinburgh-based mountaineer and runner, Es Tresidder, scrambled—in record time—one of Britain's proud mountaineering feats: the Cuillin Ridge Traverse (primarily Class III and steeper, with four sections of 5.6, ca. ', 'To start with I wondered about getting running shoes re-soled with climbing rubber, but actually I found that well worn-in Walshes were perfect. Finlay Wild has set a new speed record for the Cuillin Main Ridge Traverse, shaving about 2.5 minutes from the previous fastest time, despite misty and damp conditions on the day. Early on Friday morning Es Tresidder set off from his bivy at the south end of the Cuillin ridge. Skye Mountain Rescue leader revisits dramatic Cuillin mission 1 December 2020 1 December 2020 The leader of the Skye Mountain Rescue team has commended team members for going “the extra mile” during a dramatic nine-hour evacuation on the Cuillin Ridge earlier this year. After a bit of route-finding reconnaissance, he returned on May 4 to post a time of 3:17:28. Four recipients selected for 2019 Kyle Dempster Solo Adventure Award, Scotland Winter Climbs Wrap-Up: Ben Nevis, Stob Coire Nan Lochan & The Cobbler, Scottish Mixed Blast: One Difficult Repeat and a Cutting-Edge First Ascent, Luka Lindic and Ines Papert find big new routes close to home in Austria, Fixe Ultralight Alien Revolution cams: Otherworldly friends to have on your rack, Black Diamond Vision MIPS Helmet: Head protection that's as light and effective as ever, Emily Harrington becomes first woman to send El Capitan's Golden Gate in a day. Lots of days spent reccying the start, middle and end sections, as well as other great routes like Pinnacle Ridge, which isn't part of the main traverse. Since then I've not taken any climbing gear - but yes I do have a lot of climbing experience behind that.' "The valley was slowly enveloped in a sea of mist, leaving the ridge the only thing floating above in the sunshine." Access to a year's subscription to Rockfax Digital. Finlay has a solid climbing background too - experience that's arguably essential to any runner on the ridge. Skye Ridge Mini Guide, Andy Hyslop A guide to running the ridge, overcoming the various obstacles, short cuts etc. Every time you go up you learn new wee bits and it all adds up to make time savings. O n Saturday 12th October Finlay Wild broke the speed record for the Cuillin Ridge traverse for the second time in a year, knocking a hefty 15 minutes from his previous record to log the first sub-three-hour completion of Britain's greatest mountaineering route. Login with your username and password below. Scottish Hill Runners Long Distance Records - the long distance section contains a brief overview of the Cuillin Round in the context of previous Cuillin challenges. He's also run with a GBR vest in the Dolomites. Fort William - based Finlay, 28, is a newly qualified GP but still finds time to run with Lochaber Athletic Club. Too, with mist and damp rock to hinder his progress Saturday night for an 's! Ridge seems to be a never-ending source of interest Hebridean islands and its deeply indented nature gives it 400 of... New wee bits and it all in too I kept going more adventurous walkers, this route. Ridge take a total of 6 hours the person I admire Es for this achievement as! 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