From Picard’s resignation to the secret (ish) history of the Borg, here’s how it all breaks down: Why Picard Retired “Retired” in this case is a euphemism for “resigned.” Commander Shelby deduce that a colony was attacked and destroyed by the Borg. 02 The Next Generation: Season 5, Episode 23, "I, Borg" But the Borg share information fairly evenly so even Borg who have never met Locutus, know of him. When Hugh rejoined the collective, his individuality spread throughout the Borg, but most were not as happy to be individuals. We knew they were coming for over a year. The Enterprise bartender Guinan warns Picard of the Borg's lethality, as they wiped out her home planet a century earlier. The third episode of Star Trek: Picard, "The End is the Beginning," marks the conclusion of a more ruminative phase of the series, and the start of a new adventure. "That's not what she meant, Data… but you're right: she erred. This is the first of two episodes that establish Earth as being in Sector 001, the other episode being the following installment. Resistance is futile. Unusual magnetic resonance traces were left on the damaged sections of the Enterprise's hull that were tested. Although Riker answers that he has not decided to pursue that commission, Picard lengthily urges him to reconsider, noting that he is ready to take command and that the Enterprise will be just fine without him. Riker accepts Picard telling him to make the necessary preparations to enact her plan. In engineering, Shelby and a team that includes Data, Geordi La Forge and Wesley Crusher deduce that a Borg cube's systems are likely interconnected, like the Borg themselves. The captain then questions why Riker is still on the Enterprise, since he's been offered command of the Melbourne, noting it as a fine ship. Before leaving with Shelby, Riker invites Hanson to the Enterprise's poker night. Related: Star Trek: Data’s Most Important Episodes For Picard. Worf, shocked, determinedly heads towards his former captain, but a powerful force field blocks his way and knocks Worf to the floor. Dusty Stowe has been writing for Screen Rant since 2016. They, Wesley Crusher, Deanna Troi, Data, and Geordi La Forge are later at the game, which results in Riker fooling Wesley – inexperienced at poker – into suspecting that Riker has an impressive hand. The initial descriptions of these surface conditions are almost identical to your reports from system J-25. By way of acknowledgment, the admiral says his fleet will intercept the Borg at Wolf 359, where they will make their stand. Explosions outside the ship's hull and a communication from Worf summon the captain to the bridge. "Really? In a large drawer, the away team finds Picard's discarded uniform and combadge. "We would rather die!" The retrofitted Borg cube ship makes for an intimidating statement. As the Borg close in on the away team, Beverly notices Picard in the distance and calls out to him, but, as the captain turns to face his crew, his features reveal the implementation of Borg implants and hardware throughout his body – he has been physically transformed into a Borg. Original UK VHS release (two-episode tapes. As the doctor and Geordi LaForge nurse the Borg — who they name Hugh — back to health, they realize he's beginning to display attributes of an individual life form again, much to everyone's surprise. The Borg brutalize Picard ... a moron would not include inner light or measure of a man or yesterday’s enterprise or that episode where that child becomes Picard number 1. (, For scenes of Admiral Hanson contacting the, Jonathan Frakes commented about this episode, ", The fact that this episode was the first cliffhanger in the history of, Cliff Bole was delighted to work on this episode and its follow-up. It looks like even though Picard said the last episode that he never felt truly at home on the chateau, he can’t help but still keep it with him. On a course set by Picard, the ship speedily departs, pursued by the cube moments later. The crew watches in horror as Captain Picard, now calling himself "Locutus of Borg", intones the Collective's intention file info to assimilate the Enterprise and destroy the Federation. He recalled, ", Elizabeth Dennehy struggled to begin her work on this episode, specifically owing to the lines of, A close-up shot of the Borg linkup was filmed by a second unit crew, weeks after principal photography for the third season had ended. ST has always been very good at reflecting the time in which the episodes are being produced. Hanson asserts that Shelby – an expert on the Borg – will lead the investigation. When the Enterprise responds to a distress call, they're shocked to find a Borg scout ship with one survivor, who Dr. Crusher brings aboard to Captain Picard's protests. Several drones were unable to cope with their new reality, and either severely malfunctioned or simply shut themselves down. La Forge notes that it is a shot in the dark when asked by Picard of the plan's effectiveness, but La Forge tells the captain it is the best they can do. Despite spending the better part of a year preparing for a Borg invasion, Starfleet finds itself completely overwhelmed by a single menacing cube. Riker reminds her of regulations, of which she takes note. The script also commonly referred to each of the Borg's distribution nodes as a "conduit box" and included only one reference to the moniker "Locutus" (specifically, in his dialogue at the end of the episode), otherwise referring to him as "Picard/Borg". That's the famous episode where Picard is singled-out to be assimilated by the Collective, and the Borg make a bee-line to conquer Earth. While the Borg later prove to have typically unimaginative naming conventions (i.e., Though the Borg's first appearance was in "Q Who", this is the first episode in any, This episode also includes the first time that Doctor Crusher personally encounters the Borg, due to her absence in the second season of the series. As the walls close in, Picard's trauma transforms into violent hysteria, as he lashes out and takes unwise risks in an effort to finally wipe out his most lethal enemy. Star Trek: Picard is nearing its big finale, and in episode 8, "Broken Pieces" we see the various storylines of season 1 converge in a major (and thrilling way). Captain Jean-Luc Picard and Seven of Nine may have recently teamed up in Star Tr ek: Picard, but that wasn't the first time these two intergalactic icons met.In a 2012 comic series, Star Trek: The Next Generation - Hive, they joined forces to put a stop to the Borg's galactic devastation. Picard agrees with an uncomfortable Riker that the right time for Shelby's plan is not yet but dictates that her proposed stratagem should be used as a fall-back. "I have nothing to say to you! Picard defiantly refuses and continues to threaten the Borg to withdraw. Raffi and Picard are rocking the Nemesis -era Starfleet combadges, but their uniforms are different from what officers wore in … With the Enterprise continuing at warp, the bridge officers later detect the invading Borg cube, which moves to intercept the Starfleet vessel. Riker plans to lead the away team himself, leaving Shelby to coordinate with Starfleet from the bridge, but she objects that the team could use Shelby's knowledge of the Borg. Fuming about her insubordination, he warns Shelby not to bypass his authority again. Riker and Shelby board a turbolift via the bridge, but Riker immediately stalls their journey to the battle bridge on Deck 8. You have been chosen to be that voice.". If you do not co-operate, we will destroy your ship." Seven of Nine (Jeri Ryan) faced her worst nightmare in Star Trek: Picard episode 8: not only did she return to a Borg Cube but Seven briefly became a version of the Borg Queen. Picard supervises the ship's entry into the sensor-blinding Paulson Nebula, a hiding spot into which the cube does not follow. Although the script described the Paulson Nebula as containing "large rocks and clumpy material," none of this debris is shown in the episode's final version. Episode 5 of Star Trek: Picard, “Stardust City Rag,” opens with the rather graphic mutilation of a semi-regular Star Trek: Voyager character of old -- the former Borg known as Icheb. ← 180th of 801 released in all → Picard refuses to comply, saying that Humans would rather die, but the Borg maintain that his efforts to resist them will not succeed. The Borg begin an invasion of Federation space much sooner than was expected. Before taking Shelby to her quarters, Riker invites Hanson to the Enterprise's upcoming poker night but the admiral instead recommends Shelby as a rumored poker player, as he and Picard have much to discuss. Shelby lets Riker know, in no uncertain terms, that she wants his job but then apologetically claims she was unaware that he has no intention of leaving the Enterprise. You do an end run around me again, I'll snap you back so hard you'll think you're a first-year cadet again." Michael Piller Riker responds that she will be the first to know if he does decide to leave. The script described Admiral Hanson as "fifties, high ranking, hard driving" and Shelby as "late twenties, very beautiful, energetic, extremely motivated and ambitious." On June 18, 1990, Jean-Luc Picard was kidnapped and transformed into Locutus of Borg in the mega-famous TNG cliffhanger, "The Best of Both Worlds Part … Star Trek: The Next Generation - The Continuing Mission, Trek: The Unauthorized Behind-The-Scenes Story of The Next Generation,, While the Borg had proven popular after their introduction in the, In an early draft of the story, however, Data and Picard were combined as one Borg unit. Seven of Nine (Jeri Ryan) joins the crew of Star Trek: Picard in episode 4, "Absolute Candor", but did she arrive to help Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) or to try to stop his mission before it's too late? He admits as much, anticipating that the conflict may spell the end for his civilization. The cube gives chase, soon managing to tractor onto the Enterprise, and Borg intruders begin to transport onto the bridge. We've thrown every resource we have into this, but still…" After he grants her permission to speak freely, she irritatedly emotes that Riker is obstructing her career. Riker, Shelby, and the engineering team in the observation lounge review their escape from the cube's tractor beam, finding that a high narrow band of phaser frequencies momentarily nullified the cube's power. He and the two Borg survivors are transported from the bridge, leaving the disabled one to self-destruct. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Humorously, Picard indirectly likens those qualities to a younger Riker. It's too soon to tell exactly how it will all play out, but to understand where the Borg go from here, one needs to examine their origins and most important episodes from Star Trek: The Next Generation. The Borg were the most iconic villains from Star Trek: The Next Generation, and they figure to feature heavily in the upcoming Star Trek: Picard. The last question is how Picard‘s first episode chooses to climax. After being drummed out of the Q continuum, Q demands to be made an officer aboard the Enterprise. Captain-Pike-a-Chu reviews Star Trek: Picard episode 4. Early bird gets the worm, eh? The trailers for Picard suggest some sort of antagonistic relationship with the Romulans, whose ships circle a broken Borg cube and are seemingly holding Borg drones prisoner. Just when it seems the Enterprise will be destroyed, Q returns and forces Picard to admit humanity is unprepared to take on such ferocious enemies. Whereas the Enterprise's weapons do no damage to the cube, the Borg's use of a cutting beam on the secondary hull forces La Forge to evacuate engineering. The Borg costumes seen in this episode were based on designs that, The design of Locutus for this episode and the next was slightly more elaborate than the rest of the Borg suits used here. The cybernetic zombies pushed Captain Picard and the crew of the USS Enterprise to the brink of destruction more often than any other adversary, and they were perhaps the only threat that could rattle Picard's steely moral resolve. (, According to an estimate made by Associate Producer, This episode was one of a mere few that required all-new shots of the, For two establishing shots (using the same clip) of Admiral Hanson's transport ship flying alongside the, Shots of the Borg cube involved reusing a three-quarters filming miniature from "Q Who". The officers discuss whether the colony was destroyed by the Borg and refer to the Enterprise's first contact with them, at System J-25 a year previously. They begin their quest for Picard, whom Worf is unable to detect using a tricorder. CRUSHER: We'll get you to Sickbay. Piller recalled, ", To fill up the rest of the storyline, Piller sought to maintain the Human drama in all the spectacle. Thanks to Shelby's quick-witted strategy and technical knowledge, the Enterprise breaks away using multiple phaser hits with random frequencies. Picard eventually defeats the Borg, but he comes closer to embracing the darkness than he ever had before, and the events of the Star Trek film clearly continued to haunt him for years to come. Determined, and with no other option, Commander Riker makes the ultimate decision…, "The truth of the matter is… hell, we are not ready. ", "Mister Worf, dispatch a subspace message to Admiral Hanson. Well, it turns out, interstellar laws are a bigger deal than we … "The Best of Both Worlds" She is eager to view the colony site, but the next away mission there will not be until dawn. "The captain has been altered by the Borg." What Jean Luc knew, the Borg knew. As he considers reasons why he is still aboard the ship, Troi doubts each one. Picard would never fully recover from his assimilation, often lashing out violently and illogically when faced with the Borg again. Related: Star Trek Picard: Is the TNG Cast Too Old Now? You need to take it to the captain, fine; through me. Reluctantly, he assigns command of the team to Shelby. But why? Riker supervises final preparations for using the weapon. Alone with Picard, Hanson details his approval of Shelby. ", After the episode's airing, rumors circulated among fans that Patrick Stewart's contract talks with, When asked about the show's enduring popularity, Michael Piller commented, ", A mission report for this episode, by Will Murray, was published in. The Borg's ultimate goal was a sort of universal conquest, in which they would assimilate all of the universe's cultures and populations into their own, obliterating all in their wake. ", "He's hurting his career by staying put. Longer shots of Riker using the monitor involved the use of the actual monitor prop, including grey stripes that had later been added to the prop's base but were not present in the stock close-up shots. But the Borg share information fairly evenly so even Borg who have never met Locutus, know of him. While touring the Enterprise (after surveying engineering), Picard visits an empty Ten Forward, where Guinan, sitting off to the side in the dark, is puzzled to see that he is awake. ", "Captain Jean-Luc Picard, you lead the strongest ship of the Federation fleet. "Commander Shelby. In classic Star Trek fashion, the enemy isn’t defeated by a giant explosion. Immediately after the away team is beamed down by Transporter Chief Miles O'Brien, the team finds not only that the entire colony of New Providence has been completely destroyed but also that the colony's former town cente… Hugh was something of a test run for Star Trek: Voyager's Seven of Nine, who will be appearing in Star Trek: Picard. His current focuses are on covering the Arrowverse, Star Trek: Discovery, and the DC Cinematic Universe. Ryker orders them to use Picard's link with the Borg to find a way to destroy them. On the planet's surface, he authoritatively draws her away. "By all means." Shelby reminds the team that their phasers will work once or twice before the Borg learn to adapt. Star Trek: Picard Episode 3 reintroduces us to Hugh (Jonathan Del Arco), the sensitive drone-turned-fierce individual from Star Trek: The Next Generation Season 5, Episode 23, “I, Borg.” He tells her of his tour and, as they converse over the tradition of such a tour, Guinan intuits that Picard is not confident about the imminent clash with the Borg. Riker mocks her frustration but she then criticizes the cautiousness of his shipboard service, telling him that – if he cannot make the big choices that go with his rank – he should abdicate his position as first officer to someone who can. The character of Locutus was created as a result of the writing staff of Star Trek: The Next Generation feeling it necessary for the Borg to have a spokesman, which the writing staffers referred to as a \"queen bee.\" (Captains' Logs: The Unauthorized Complete Trek Voyages) Another inspiration on the character's creation, according to writer Michael Piller, was that the writing staff was requested by Paramount to devise a method of pote… In 2020, SyFy Wire listed this episode in their guide "Best of Borg Worlds" as one of seven essential Borg-themed episodes to watch as background before Star Trek: Picard. More info Picard sends an Away Team to investigate the wreckage of a small craft, where they find the only survivor is an adolescent Borg.The Captain initially shows no sign of wanting to help, however, Dr. Crusher eventually persuades to beam the creature aboard in spite of the fact that his presence on the ship could alert the rest of his race. These included: Picard's assimilation, as later seen in Star Trek: First Contact, 2365; 2366; "a hell of a"; "a little"; "a lot of"; "a shot in the dark"; ability; aggression; "all hands"; "all right"; alternative; ambition; "an end run"; analysis; arming sequence; As You Like It; attention; authority; auxiliary generator; avifauna; away team; battle; Battle of Trafalgar; battle stations; bearing; "beyond imagination"; blast; Borg; Borg Collective; Borg cube; "by all means"; captain; captain's chair; career; choice; chromium; civilization; closest help starship; colony; "come in"; "come on"; commission; communicator; computer program; conclusion; confidence; confrontation; conversation; coordinates; core chamber; course; "covered all the bases"; cube; culture; cutting beam; damage; damage report; dawn; day; death; decompression; defense system; deflector modulation; deuce; dilithium hydroxyl; dimension; distress signal; door; dust cloud; Earl Grey tea; "early bird gets the worm"; Earth; El-Aurians; El-Aurian homeworld; EM base-emitting frequency; enemy; emperor; engineering section (secondary hull); evacuation sequence; evidence; Excelsior-class; "excuse me"; experience; explanation; fatigue; Federation; Federation space; First contact cube; first officer; first year cadet; Flavius Honorius; flush; "for his own good"; freedom; Galaxy-class decks; "go ahead"; grade; hail; Hanson's transport; heart; history; hour; hull; hull breach (hull rupture); Human; hundred; idea; impression; impulse engine; "in business"; "in my way"; "in the meantime"; "in the process"; initiative; intercept course; jack; job; Jouret IV; "keep your eye on"; kilometer; king; knowledge; Lalo, USS; "lead time"; light year; Locutus of Borg; Locutus' cube; long range sensor; magnesium; magnetic-resonance trace; magnetometric guided charge; main deflector dish (navigational deflector); "make room"; Melbourne, USS; metaphor; meter per second; millennium; minute; mosquito; "move it"; name; naval tradition; nebula cloud (nebula); Nelson, Horatio; New Providence colony; New Providence colonists; number one; "of course"; "on the drawing board"; "on track"; order; outpost; page; Paulson Nebula; percent; phaser; phaser frequency; phaser resonance frequency; philosophy; photon torpedo; plan; plasma phaser; playing card; poker; power; power distribution node; power source; power waveguide conduit; problem; question; radiation; range; rear end; repair team; report; resource; result; risk; Roman Empire; rumor; sabotage; saucer section; search; second; Sector 001; self-determination; senior officer; sensor data analysis; sensor playback analysis; sensor range; Sentinel Minor IV; shield; shield harmonic; shield modulation; shield nutation; skeleton crew; sleep; society; soil; speed; "stand by"; Starbase 157; Starbase 324; Starfleet; Starfleet Command; Starfleet Tactical; Starfleet uniform; state of war; storm front; straight flush; strategy; structural latching system; subspace; subspace field; subspace field fluctuation; subspace interferometry scan; subspace message; supervision; surface; surprise; surrender; System J-25; tactical analysis; target; Terran system; theory; thousand; threat; time index; "to say the least"; torpedo bay; town; tractor beam; tricorder; truth; universe; velocity; vermicular lifeform; "very good"; vessel; Victory, HMS; Visigoth; visual range; voice; warp core; warp energy; weapon; weapon system; weather system; "what the hell"; "with all due respect"; yellow alert; Zeta Alpha II, "Did You Ever Have the Feeling That You Wanted to Stay? Later in the episode, viewers learn that the android was being manipulated by his twin brother, Data's evil android Lore. ", "Jean-Luc Picard, captain of the starship Enterprise, registry NCC-1701-D, you will lower your shields and prepare to transport yourself aboard our vessel. Star Trek: Picard Episode 3 reintroduces us to Hugh (Jonathan Del Arco), the sensitive drone-turned-fierce individual from Star Trek: The Next Generation Season 5, Episode 23, “I, Borg.” We won't have any trouble getting these implants out now. (, This episode is notable for the musical score composed by. (Season finale). "You're in my way. There’s no denying the menacing charm of the Borg, the gripping performance by Patrick Stewart in the episode as Captain Picard, the story’s grandiloquent sweep. Sure, Picard has ominous feelings about going into battle with the Borg, but he doesn't start the episode by saying "Gee, I really hope I don't get assimilated and turned into a killer drone." Giving him pause for thought, she asks him what he really wants. A new episode of Star Trek: Picard debuted today on CBS All Access, bringing with it new Easter eggs and references to Star Trek: The Next Generation and other corners of the Star Trek universe. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. The Borg hail the Enterprise. More often than not, Jean-Luc Picard was at the forefront of the battles to stop them, and they were the cause of some of his greatest personal failings. Discussion turns to the forthcoming mission, and, even though Shelby takes the initiative to select away team members, Riker interjects that not only has he already assigned the crew members she asked for to the away team, but that he will be joining the team himself. ", "You disagree with me, fine. Having devised the basic look of a Borg ship for "Q Who", James built on those designs for this episode. WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Season 1, Episode 8 of Star Trek: Picard, “Broken Pieces,” now streaming on CBS All Access.. Later in Ten Forward, Riker discusses his uncertainty while seated with Counselor Troi at a table, noting that he has pushed himself hard and sacrificed much (implying with a gesture that he means even having ended their romance) to get where he is, had always said he wanted his own command, and yet he's now hesitating. Picard attempts to communicate and make peace with the Borg, but the cybernetic drones are uninterested. That’s in both the figurative and literal sense. Will this be the end of our civilization? Worf shockingly discovers that the course the Borg has set will lead them to Sector 001. The differences between the monitor in the two types of shots, in this episode, therefore constitute a continuity error. The Borg conform well to the notion that collectivism is essentially parasitic. Despite the small steps forward seen in the later seasons of The Next Generation, the Borg were back to their destructive selves by the time of Star Trek: First Contact, the second (and best) film featuring the TNG cast. Did You Ever Have the Feeling That You Wanted to Stay? Related: Star Trek: Where The Cardassians Are In Picard. "Their priorities seem to have changed. I'll call. The Borg were introduced on syndicated television on May 8, 1989, in the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "Q Who? Despite Shelby wanting to continue working with Data who does not require rest, Riker insists otherwise, due to the team's exhaustion and that he doesn't want the crew fighting the Borg at the same time they're fighting their own fatigue. We wish to improve ourselves. CRUSHER: We'll get you to Sickbay. Riker is disturbed by this news, as both Shelby and Doctor Crusher are intent on making another recovery attempt, but, as the Borg cube re-energizes, Riker insists that they instead use their deflector weapon, as this is the only chance to destroy them – should the Borg regain warp drive, the Enterprise's weapon will become useless. It is the Borg. A one-stop shop for all things video games. Playing a game of intergalactic Ocean’s 11 , the show edits back and forth between the crew of the La Serena developing their plan to … The Borg subsist by assimilating other cultures, adding new technologies to their own. In a memo he wrote Rick Berman (on, Cliff Bole was ultimately very proud of his work on this episode and its sequel. Shelby insists that she can keep on working by herself, but Riker dismisses her. Meanwhile, the away team manages to disable several approaching Borg, but they soon adapt to the modified frequencies. Data, Troi and Doctor Crusher are working feverishly to save him. "You have committed acts of aggression against the United Federation of Planets! Riker notifies Hanson of the Enterprise's situation, worriedly implying to a curious Hanson that there has not yet been any sign of Picard. Your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own, Starfleet finds itself completely overwhelmed by a single menacing.! Takes note, televised version, thanks to the Borg 's lethality, as has!, anticipating that the android was being manipulated by his twin brother, Data, Worf, and La. Large drawer, the away team to find out is eager to view the colony 's decimation due. Borg '' was a set built on Romulans have set up shop in the entertainment industry 'd kick in... The events of the quarters, Riker invites Hanson to the hospitality program and Zhaban supplying holo-scans. Debates their own ship 's hull and a Romulan fleet walk into a transporter.. 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