How to use imitations in a sentence. The only building in the city which can with certainty be assigned to the administration of Pericles is the Odeum, beneath the southern declivity of the Acropolis, a structure mainly of wood, said to have been built in imitation of the tent of Xerxes: it was used for musical contests and the though not established, may be regarded as practically certain, notwithstanding the difficulty presented by the subjects of the sculptures, which bear no relation to Hephaestus. Then I would imitate the acts of cutting the slices and buttering them. To sacrifice phrasing, and distinctness in real partwriting, to a crude imitation of the richness produced mechanically on the harpsichord by drawing 4-ft. Prepositional Phrase – begins with a preposition and ends with a noun or pronoun. His intimacy with foreigners and his imitation of their ways were sufficient to rouse fanaticism and create dissatisfaction. Here’s a breakdown of how the ‘imitation as inspiration’ exercise works: Identify a sentence or short paragraph from a favorite work that, for whatever reason, strikes you as particularly powerful. Synonym Discussion of imitate. Some consumers consider lab-created and other synthetic and imitation diamonds to be fake, even if they share the same physical and chemical properties as naturally mined stones. Lessing had given the first impetus to the formation of a national literature by exposing the folly of the current imitation of French writers. From the imitation of Christ. Find more ways to say imitation, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. He controlled the movements of the wings, and made them strike downwards and forwards in imitation of natural wings. ORDER OF DRUIDS, a friendly society founded, as an imitation of the ancient Druids, in London in 1781. By clicking “Accept”, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Visits to the Iles d'Hieres, and the composition of a fish sauce in imitation of the ancient garum, which he sent to his friend Etienne Dolet, are associated, not very certainly, with his stay at Montpellier, which, lasting rather more than a year at first, was renewed at intervals for several years. Imitate definition is - to follow as a pattern, model, or example. Darboy was the author of a number of works, of which the most important are a Vie de St Thomas Becket (1859), a translation of the works of St Denis the Areopagite, and a translation of the Imitation of Christ. imitation game in a sentence - Use "imitation game" in a sentence 1. Sterret referred to this as the " Original Imitation Game Test ". 2 The imitation of woodwork is obvious on several monuments of this kind. While many antique and traditional designs are still created and mimicked today, they are often a poor imitation of the original. Updated April 12, 2017 A complex sentence is a sentence that contains an independent clause and at least one dependent clause. It remained undisturbed till the night of the 22nd of November, when a band of about 40 men dressed as Indians, in imitation of the Boston party, broke into the cellar and made a bonfire of the tea. imitation parts in a sentence - Use "imitation parts" in a sentence 1. Constructed and written in almost slavish imitation of Virgil, employing for medium a very unsuitable vehicle - the Alexandrine couplet (as reformed and rendered monotonous for dramatic purposes) - and animated neither by enthusiasm for the subject nor by real understanding thereof, it could not but be an unsatisfactory performance. Monday, February 9, 2015. These traditional briefcases are being replaced by lighter, soft-body varieties made from leather, imitation leather or vinyl. Imitation sentence examples. In carrying out the regime of Rampolla, which was, in every respect, a bad imitation of that of Antonelli, the Vatican left no stone unturned in its attempt to coerce the conscience of the French royalists; it did not even stop at dishonour, as was evidenced by the case of the unhappy Mgr d'Hulst, who, in order to evade the censorship of his pamphlet on Old Testament criticism, had to abandon both his king and his principles, only to die in exile of a broken heart. Acquisition supplanted invention; imitation of classical authors suppressed originality of style. In imitation of the English order of the Garter, he established the knightly order of the Star, and celebrated its festivals with great display. Imitation had necessarily to begin with externals, and Peter at once fell foul of the long beards and Oriental costumes which symbolized the arch-conservatism of old Russia. The restaurant was designed in imitation of a Japanese temple. imitation of the New Testament practice; and where it is not marred by undue prolixity commends itself to most Christian people as a solemn and impressive service. He did an imitation of horror movie actor Boris Karloff, which was a big hit with the audience. I took it back and used it in my room. 2. Je trouve que cette porte en imitation de pierre n’est pas assez sûre. in its first phase (1000-700) shows a continual increase of the introduction of objects of Greek origin; the pottery is at first imported geometric, and then vases of local imitation appear. [ + of] Molly learned her golf by imitation. More than once, in letters to his friend Vettori, no less than in the pages of the Principe, Machiavelli afterwards expressed his belief that Cesare Borgia's behaviour in the conquest of provinces, the cementing of a new state out of scattered elements, and the dealing with false friends or doubtful allies, was worthy of all commendation and of scrupulous imitation. When shopping for imitation diamonds, it is important to learn how to recognize quality rings. Fabiano e Sebastiano, belongs mainly to the 16th century, and was designed by Galeazzo Alessi, in imitation of Bramante's plan for S. The Young Czechs could not take their place; their Radical and anti-clerical tendencies alarmed the Feudalists and Clericalists who formed so large a part of the Right; they attacked the alliance with Germany; they made public demonstration of their French sympathies; they entered into communication with other Slav races, especially the Serbs of Hungary and Bosnia; they demanded universal suffrage, and occasionally supported the German Radicals in their opposition to the Clerical parties, especially in educational matters; under their influence disorder increased in Bohemia, a secret society called the Umladina (an imitation of the Servian society of that name) was discovered, and stringent measures had to be taken to preserve order. The second half of the 15th century was destined to be the age of academies in Italy, and the regnant passion for antiquity satisfied itself with any imitation, however grotesque, of Greek or Roman institutions. There is an expression that says that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. New industries are those of tapestry, brocades, imitation of ancient stuffs, cloth of silver and gold, and Venetian laces. Nobody thinks that if criminals cannot get imitation guns they will stop holding people up. It can be a bit like early flicks with people doing a passable imitation of Charlie Chaplin. In style they are an imitation of the Pisan. This was in imitation of the Macedonian leaders who divided the dominion of Alexander. In the study of Latin the principal aim of the Italian humanists was the imitation of the style of their classical models. Need to translate "IMITATION CUIR" from french and use correctly in a sentence? You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. imitate. The Nabataean type starts from the simple pylon-tomb with a door set in a tower crowned by a parapet ornament, in imitation of the front of a dwelling-house; then, after passing through various stages, the full Nabataean type is reached, retaining all the native features and at the same time exhibiting characteristics which are partly Egyptian and partly Greek. Some say that imitation is the highest form of flattery, but in the cut-throat arena of fashion, sorry, it's not. Even with this limitation the subject is too vast for us to enter into details. 3. The imitation of Cicero was carried on with varying degrees of success by humanists such as Gasparino da Barzizza (d. Both of these papal secretaries were mentioned in complimentary terms by Erasmus in his celebrated dialogue, the Ciceronianus (1528), in which no less than one hundred and six Ciceronian scholars of all nations are briefly and brilliantly reviewed, the slavish imitation of Cicero denounced, and the law laid down that " to speak with propriety we must adapt ourselves to the age in which we live - an age that differs entirely from that of Cicero.". This is but an imitation of the hand-hoe, or a succenadeum to it, and can neither supply the use of dung nor fallow, and may be properly called scratch-hoeing.". This writing activity challenges students to study example sentences drawn from literature, and then to write their own sentences, mimicking the form of the original. Hoverflies are a poor imitation of the model bees and wasps. : The analogue technique described above gives an entirely satisfactory imitation of a real swell box. The contemporary worshipper, however, wants the language of worship to sound spontaneous, because he values spontaneity over imitation. this makes all the voices equally important. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Imitation diamonds allow them to enjoy the look of a diamond without compromising a political viewpoint. Quality imitation dark pearls can be an affordable option for a beautiful ring. The tower, however, also had its special designation of "Im-Khar-sag," the elements of which, signifying "storm" and "mountain," confirm the conclusion drawn from other evidence that En-lil was originally a storm-god having his seat on the top of a mountain. The imitation of the Charlemagne romances is here evident; the Saxons bear names of Saracen origin, and camels and elephants appear on the scene. Beware of composite birthstone jewelry-this is jewelry that's made primarily of big chunks of imitation stone. Ducks are also numerous in species and individuals, including a small bird called the guiriri, in imitation of its cry. Instead, the insurance company insisted on " imitation parts ." One on the history of Oleg, the more or less legendary Varangian, who was guardian to the son of Rurik, was described by her as an "imitation of Shakespeare.". In the following year he gave to the world the Indian Edda, The Song of Hiawatha, a conscious imitation, both in subject and metre, of the Finnish epic, the Kalevala, with which he had become acquainted during his second visit to Europe. To the eye they seemed a good imitation of tea. minds that there was soon a keen competition among the younger poets as to who should produce the most successful imitation of that classic model; and this competition has gone on under different forms through all the following centuries, even to the most recent times. Sentence Examples. Among a great series of engraved silver bowls,' found mostly in Cyprus, but also as far off as Nineveh, Olympia, Caere and Praeneste, some examples show almost unmixed imitation of Egyptian scenes and devices; in others, Assyrian types are introduced among the Egyptian in senseless confusion; in others, both traditions are merged in a mixed art, which betrays a return to naturalism and a new sense of style, like that of the Idaean bronzes in Crete.° From its intermediate position between the art of Phoenicia and its western colonies (so far as this is known) and the earliest Hellenic art in the Aegean, this style has been called Graeco-Phoenician. (UNDATED ) From phony Viagra to imitation brand-name brake pads, baby formula, computer chips and sneakers, a tsunami of fake products is washing up on the shores of world markets. Amongst these may be mentioned the following: Hessian, bagging, tarpaulin, sacking, scrims, Brussels carpets, Wilton carpets, imitation Brussels, and several other types of carpets, rugs and matting, in addition to a large variety of fabrics of which jute forms a part. 267+7 sentence examples: 1. Imitation tortoiseshell is likely to be cellulose nitrate (which smells of camphor). century, and a wooden triptych in imitation of the Byzantine style with enamels of the 13th century. Examples of Imitating in a sentence The parrot continued imitating his owner, mocking his owner and copying his thick Indian accent. It was a period of religious revival, and of reaction against abuses that followed in the wake of the feudal system; and this religious movement was informed by a new mysticism - a mysticism that fixed its attention mainly on the humanity of Christ and found its practical expression in the imitation of His life. When Sentence Imitation Argumentative Essay writers are knowledgeable and trained to write essays, it means they know about the guidelines and rules as Sentence Imitation Argumentative Essay well as the varied formats of writing essays. Whether they are real or imitation, you can never go wrong with the sparkle of diamonds. The verse portions, which are on the whole correct and classically constructed, are in imitation of Varro and are less tiresome. It is stated by D'Herbelot that the era of the Hegira was instituted by Omar, the second caliph, in imitation of the Christian era of the martyrs. This withdrawal of the head of the state from direct contact with his people was unknown to the Omayyads, and was certainly an imitation of Persian usage; it has even been plausibly conjectured that the name is but the Arabic adaptation of a Persian title. Olive, a collection of love-sonnets written in close imitation of Petrarch, first appeared in 1549. In one, a large circular tomb, were found three sepulchral couches in stone, carved in imitation of wood, and a fine statuette in bronze of Ajax committing suicide. Unlike last year, they aren't even decent imitations. Imitation means copying someone else's actions. imitation tortoiseshell is likely to be cellulose nitrate (which smells of camphor ). Under the influence of Archbishop Chicheley, who had himself founded two colleges in imitation of Wykeham, and Thomas Bekynton, king's secretary and privy seal, and other Wyke - hamists, Henry VI., on the 11th of October 1440, founded, in imitation of Winchester College, "a college in the parish church of Eton by Windsor not far from our birthplace," called the King's College of the Blessed Mary of Eton by Windsor, as "a sort of first-fruits of his taking the government on himself.". Sentence Imitation 5 through 12 word sentences for use with language processing disorders, auditory processing disorders, and auditory recall. 267+7 sentence examples: 1. High quality example sentences with “crude imitation” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English. He fought against all imitation as such, and bade German writers be true to themselves and their national antecedents. 90. Imitate sentence examples. Enlist the help of a crafty friend and embellish ho-hum discount items with glitzy stones, white feathers or sprays of imitation pearls. Imitation is the sincerest flattery Charles Colton Lacon To do the opposite of something is also a form of imitation, namely an imitation of its opposite G.C. Gradually there came to be facing each other a great political Christendom, whose rulers were statesmen, with aims and policy of a worldly type, and a religious Christendom, full of the ideas of separation from the world by self-sacrifice and of participation in the benefits of Christ's work by an ascetic imitation. practice!". You may have a store in your local mall where you can purchase imitation Oakleys. These cookies do not store any personal information. It is important you use PURE vanilla not imitation. Here are some examples. then Aquinas (and his rivals), are pre-eminent for system, Anselm and Abelard for originality, Bernard of Clairvaux as the theologian who represents medieval piety at its purest and in its most characteristic forms, while Thomas a Kempis's devotional masterpiece, On the Imitation of Christ, with Tauler's Sermons and the Theologia Germanica, belong to the world's classics. Examples of Imitation in a sentence Even though it’s an imitation, the copy of the painting sold for almost as much as the original. Written in imitation of the De vitis Caesarum of Suetonius, this is the best contemporary account of the life of Charlemagne, and could only have been written by one who was very intimate with the emperor and his court. Contenders for the best top chick movies out there include Pretty Woman, Steel Magnolias, Beaches, Sabrina, Grey Gardens, and Imitation of Life. These works, together with the Prodigios del amor divino (1641), are now forgotten, but Nieremberg's version (1656) of the Imitation is still a favourite, and his eloquent treatise, De la hermosura de Dios y su amabilidad (1649), is the last classical manifestation of mysticism in Spanish literature. He said: We know how to maneuver, we do not want slavish imitation. Shoppers often stroll through the store just to experience the Southern California atmosphere made complete with imitation beach shacks, shuttered windows, boardwalks, and deep colored walls. Among the Franks and Burgundians we find monolithic sarcophagi in imitation of the Romans, and in other districts sarcophagi were constructed out of several blocks of stonethe so-called Plattengraber. Film in imitation of metal in the overall movement vocabulary, to polish up later with more imitation. Axes were made in Eire imitation shades up to the 2nd century ; Strack conjectures that they were created imitation!, by the dominant fashion to imitation. sports fans, the legend of the appearance of real... High-Grade material as the `` gridiron '' plan of Alexandria by the architect, Xenarius an look... While there have always been critics of David Beckham 's tattoos, there are 25 example sentences containing by... 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