The patient will literally become radioactive for months and up to 2 years. both seminal vesicles normal. With both treatments together or with ADT hormones also you’re in real trouble with ED percentages. 3 years later I now believe my prostate cancer testing and treatment greatly accelerated my ageing (through the stress, testing, treatments and physically from the radiation and was also a financial burden). Hormone (ADT) therapy is sometimes over prescribed for profit, per some studies. Would some health care providers harm a patient for profit or by accident or some other reason? Do you think any regulatory agency will stop the exploitation of elderly men with a high PSA or prostate cancer or approve new treatments at the risk of financially bankrupting thousands of treatment facilities and jeopardizing thousands more jobs? MYTH: Prostate cancer may increase PSA levels, but it doesn’t happen in all cases. Originally published June 2009; last reviewed February 17, 2011. Doctors, nurses and technicians can be profit motivated, use obsolete procedures, be lazy, incompetent, make mistakes and be apathetic or rushed. Also treatments for the multiple and bizarre side effects from hormone ADT therapy (chemical castration) is sometimes required. By a prostate cancer patient completing an EPIC questionnaire may be able to assist his doctor, nurse, office workers or database track his progress or decline. I personally know of an elderly lady that is living in an expensive assisted living home that has had all of her possessions (radio, clothes, underwear, shoes) repeatedly stolen and replaced by her family including the sheets off of her bed, even after the sheets where marked with her name using a larger permanent marker pen. Long term care for side effects is often lacking or exploitive or ineffective. 3. I had prostste biopsy in late October 2016 and had severe bleeding for over an hour then shortly after both my hands fingers both legs knees calf mussels and my ankles and feet are stolen badly and so painful can hardly walk and my hands are swollen and painful I have trouble eating and even holding a bar of soap the doctor says it’s arthritis but for it to have happened so suddenly its hard to there anyone who has any advice for me oh and I do have a small amount of cancer. Different md’s checked him and concluded he has kidney infection as a result of the procedure that has entered his blood stream (sepsis ). The videos of this procedure seem to be disturbing and bizarre. While Dr. Wheeler and others have claimed to be able to diagnose prostate cancer without a needle biopsy, the only way to gain information on the true nature of a tumor’s cell line—and some are … I also now have Peyronies Disease and don’t know if it’s somehow related. 10 Things To Know Before Getting A Prostate Biopsy. Although there are several ongoing studies, medical experts can’t say that the benefits of routine prostate screening outweigh the risks from diagnosis and treatments. One patient after recovering from a brain injury testified that he was repeatedly abused, slapped and hit, forced to drink boiling hot tea by multiple caregivers and sexually assaulted by one female caregiver. However, I now believe often prostate cancer testing and treatment could be a mistake in most men. Advisory Panel is now recommending for prostate cancer PSA testing and screening: for men 55 to 69 “letting men decide for themselves after talking with their doctors”. I have no energy, and get exhausted quickly whenever I do normal activities. To me the risk now far outweighs the benefit, especially if you will have the transrectal procedure. There is no way to know if you have the more common slow-growing type of prostate cancer or the more dangerous kind. The contents displayed within this public group(s), such as text, graphics, and other material (“Content”) are intended for educational purposes only. I was never offered Genomic testing. How long was your husband in hospital before the fever was overcome and how long did he stay in hospital. My healthy husband had one PSA level high ..was sent to urologist and went through a prostate biopsy (not informed of possible complications) 24 hours after biopsy my husband was in shock. Hormone therapy would not have been an effective treatment for me. Screening may have discovered a type of cancer that is best left alone. Men are sometimes castrated (orchiectomy) as a cancer treatment to reduce testosterone. In the USA identity theft is very common, growing problem and is often financial devastating. [Discovered!] Supply relevant information only when filling out forms. Aftercare needs to be available, standardized and regulated. God bless you! I feel like a ghost walking through my old life, present but disconnected. PSA Value Next week Tuesday going to the Cleveland Clinic for a biopsy. The patient may set off radiation alarm and also possibly metal detectors at airports. Excluding skin cancer, prostate cancer is the most … Always ask what is the “biochemical recurrence” (AKA rising PSA or treatment failure) rate for well beyond 5 years with your computer software simulation. Patients can also become the victims of financial or medical Identity theft. My husband has to have a biopsy in a week. I am 37 years old male from Asian race. ED rated at 15 years may be as high as 90% or higher for most treatments. Admittedly, these complications sound worrying, but keep in mind that most men never experience them. Reliance on any information provided is solely at your own risk. My father 70 years old one day compained pain & problem in urination. The most common treatment options for men with prostate cancer are radiation, Brachytherapy, surgery, cryotherapy and hormones (ADT). Doctors may require prostate screening even if there is no symptoms particularly for men aged 40 and above. Per a new SBRT studies my 4+3 Gleason score is considered “unfavorable”. 2. Get the facts behind some common misconceptions. My treatment choice: In my opinion, I feel LDR Brachytherapy and hormone therapy (AKA chemical castration) seemed to be completely degrading, disturbing and bizarre. The collateral damage from this procedure turns out to be far worse than the disease. After the second biopsy, I seem to have developed erectile dysfunction. The National Cancer Institute wastes about 3 billion dollars a year on PSA screening that can be used for research and true cures. Often drug company’s get your information from medical databases and pharmacy information to lure people into clinical trials, soliciting people with letters and postcards in the mail. Men, avoid the over diagnosis and unnecessary treatment of prostate cancer. Ask to see your computer predicted cure rate outcome with your treatment options if available. Although, I did not have any symptoms even I daily workout on my treadmill fir 45 minutes. Long term fatigue also increases the risk of clinical depression and suicide. If your father develops a fever, chills, muscle aches, an urgent need to urinate, or frequent or burning urination, be sure he gets medical attention promptly. By Patricia R Walton | Submitted On May 02, 2011. Long term care consists of regular PSA testing for years. The prostate is a male sex gland that makes fluid found in semen. My father has a prostate problem and all his PSA is negative and doctor now recommend us for operation for biopsy. 4. In mostly white Vermont and many other areas when whites die from drug overdose the death is recorded as “heart failure or bronchial pneumonia…..This is done to spare the family the “stigma” of announcing to the public that a loved one has died by illegal drug use. Over testing and treatment has been verified by numerous experts, studies and investigations, documentation, etc. About 25% of radiotherapy patients can expect an alarming temporary “bounce” (spike) in the PSA value after treatment. Many men may not be prepared or have unrealistic expectations about the outcome, physical and psychological impact of testing and treatment. The EPIC questionnaire asks several intimate details about patient’s sex life, urinary and bowl function. Sometimes medical phone calls are recorded “Calls may be recorded for training and quality purposes”. Almost all prostate cancer treatments usually result a high percentage of erectile dysfunction. Under the HIPAA law all access to your records is allegedly by a “Need to know” basis only, this is another exaggeration (lie). What will they do,antibiotic wise, to protect him?? This might have saved me perhaps. The NASTY Truth About Prostate Drugs BPH is a more serious condition than many men realize. A patient’s dignity: Prostate cancer testing and treatment is often stressful, degrading, demoralizing and often unnecessary. (Per some respected doctors: Men stay away from medical care in large numbers because of privacy and dignity. Drugs with tongue-twisting names like gemifloxacin (Factive), moxifloxacin (Avelox), norfloxacin (Noroxin), and ofloxacin (Floxin) fall into this class, too. The 3 Causes Of A Swollen Prostate -- Which to your detriment, virtually all prostate remedies FAIL to deal with Cause #1: Hormonal Issues. This drop is determined by the testicular radiation dose (treatment equipment and planning). MD suggested a biopsy. If you have prostate cancer risk factors, such as family history of prostate cancer, or if you are African American, you should have this discussion with your doctor at age 40. However, the procedure can be painful and stressful and does not always reach an accurate diagnosis. I keep a positive attitude. Dr. “T” was outside of my insurance network; however his office manager stated she was willing to work with my insurance, offered me a doctor consultation and would accept any insurance payment as a full payment. My advice to you to get a second opinion … Cause #2: Infections. It is extremely unlikely any doctor will ever be prosecuted or have a medical license suspended for this common and extensively documented abuse or crime. Hello! His fever started a couple of days ago he is in hospital but we cannot see an improvement. Educate yourself about prostate cancer and the complications of treatment, and talk to your doctor about what frequency of prostate cancer screening is best for you. These types of treatments are primitive and almost beyond belief in today’s world of advanced technology. This was after months of Testosterone treatment with Androgel (Dr. said I need this and like a fool I believed her). Can adopting a healthier diet help fight prostate cancer? If documented cases of unnecessary surgery and radiotherapy or blind biopsies on children by doctors for profit were released, the vast majority of Americans would be outraged and this practice would quickly end. Yesterday he again did through DRE and found nothing in my prostate and repeated the PSA test. This may only shift the accountability to the victims, patients are not doctors. © Copyright 2021 Parentgiving, Inc. All rights reserved. Why the Prostate Cancer Awareness program is a scam. can you explain about this plzz. Biopsies and treatment are degrading, stressful and often unnecessary. March 2016 However allegedly LDR Brachytherapy seems to have less sexual side effects than some of the other treatments available. .2% to 1.2% deaths as a result of prostate cancer surgery. Surgery and Brachytherapy are to invasive. 7. Men will often not seek treatment because or these reasons. Resulting in him not filling out any more EPIC forms or any other forms and he stated that he became very uncomfortable and evasive with the entire office staff. Just had biopsy because PSA was 2.5, I’m 42. ... Everything you need to know before having a PSA test or prostate biopsy. Watch out for terms like “age adjusted” or ambiguous or excluded facts as given in the above examples. The information in this document is a sum of my experience, other patient’s experiences and hundreds of videos, documents, books, conversations, clinical trial, blogs, studies, articles, etc. Modern medicine seems to be more of a gamble then a science. The doctor didn’t give him an antibiotic to take before the procedure. According to “statistics”, blacks use more drugs than whites. Prostate cancer treatment often results in fatigue, depression, isolation and sometimes suicide. Can you tell if biopsy procedure,it is really can be happen during operation? Result of my husbands biopsy 3.3 .consultant recommend leaving things alone & repeat biopsy in 6 months time.. Do you think this is good advise, Memma White : I had transrectal biopsy one month ago. Learn more about this site in a welcome video from Dr. Marc Garnick, editor in chief. How much curiosity or self control does a high school or college student have? Many men still avoid medical care because of embarrassment. . In my opinion modern medicine often has been exploitive, abusive and has provided substandard care for older men in general due to all of the explanation given in this text. A catheter will also be required for a short time. I was fortunate to have escaped an infection but I still have to live with a flaccid penis for the remainder of my natural life. With prostate cancer, the testing or treatment is often worse then the disease. Scary stuff when you go to the emergency room and its crowded and you go right to the front of the line!! ED treatments can also be embarrassing, not offered, not practical, painful, expensive/not covered by insurance. This newer, faster, more accurate and easer to setup radiation equipment is of much benefit for doctors, staff and a good selling point to patient’s. A prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood test can detect prostate cancer early, but it may not save lives. A truthful and accurate standardized education book or PDF needs to be created and distributed to all high PSA and prostate cancer patients. We just don’t know who or what percent would. Prostate cancer patients are seldom told about chronic fatigue and the true risk of side effects are usually understated. Repeat biopsies miss, too: If the first biopsy was negative but cancer is still suspected, using the … Prostate cancer patients are at an increased risk of suicide. I wasn’t prepare for this and kind of went blind for the biopsy, after told that everything would be ok…sure….the Doc said this is temporary!! 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014 PSA stayed around that level with slight ups and downs 2.7-3.5. Most likely the main cause of your prostate swelling (and implicated when cancer is involved). Less expensive generic drugs are usually unavailable in the US. Most men will get a prostate problem… and it is happening to men earlier and earlier than ever before. Treatment usually begins with a prostate biopsy and can include radiation, surgery and chemotherapy. Even without HIPAA privacy law violations, records can be accessed by multiple people and appear in multiple databases. I’m age 54. Don’t delay cancer treatment during the pandemic, Certain foods and drugs may lower risk of colon cancer, Gum disease linked to an increased risk for cancer, More daily movement may lower cancer deaths, Oral health problems may raise cancer risk. The truth is that the doctor advises that you wait for at least 2 days before you have sex. The 85% at 5 year rate was quoted to me. Took him to ER. Different doctor but had the results of the last doctor and biopsy. If any abnormalities are found, a biopsy can be done to confirm the presence of cancer. A 12, 18 or 24 core blind biopsy, holey prostate! I did have a relatively fast and completely noninvasive treatment (SBRT), resulting in months of fatigue, a large PSA bounce 18 mothers later and some other short term side effects. What doctors are not telling you about prostate cancer testing and treatment; lies, exaggerations, deceptions, exclusions, undisclosed harm and sometimes death. Can taking aspirin regularly help prevent breast cancer? Spent next 6 days in hospital. The process wasn’t explained to Mike and procedure was done in the office. In fact, most men with prostate cancer actually die from other causes. Calls about a clinical trial, calls to a large clinic toll free number, calls to drug companies and calls to insurance companies may be recorded. If you are having surgery, brachytherapy, a biopsy or a procedure take precautions if possible. I did have the trans-rectal biopsy and no cancer was found. Other possible side effects from these popular and effective drugs include allergic reactions, headaches, nausea, and diarrhea. Ask your urologist or radiation oncologist for a 10-year cure Rate. Thanks for the information. Also he should try and avoid hormone therapy if possible because of the multiple side effects especially if the cancer is organ confined. My husband had biopsies taken last week. The information you share, including that which might otherwise be Protected Health Information, to this site is by design open to the public and is not a private, secure service. I also had no advanced treatment options available to me. The cost for drugs needs to be regulated to end financial exploitation by drug companies. In February, 2008 a “breaking news” press release (“Prostate Biopsy Spreads Prostate Cancer Cells”) was issued from a Sarasota, FL clinic headed by Dr. Ron Wheeler. Very often after a biopsy a man’s semen will turn into a jet black goo. Had TURP and incidentally diagnosed with prostate Ca which was confirmed thru biopsy but with higher Gleson 4+3. Prostate biopsy is a procedure in which small hollow needle-core samples are removed from a man's prostate gland to be examined for the presence of prostate cancer.It is typically performed when the … What’s next bladder infection, kidney infection? Prostate blind biopsies are dangerous. Migraine: A connection to cardiovascular disease? The MRI images shows if there is an area of concern as it is graded and can help you and your MD decide on what to do. If he has had not had his biopsy checked by a second lab, he definitely should cancel or reschedule until that is done and he is armed with information. 5 years is not a magic number. Access may include/however not limited to non-medical employees, office workers, bookkeepers, janitors, insurance companies, temporary high school or college interns, volunteers, etc. The drawbacks of this form seem to outweigh any potential benefit for some patients. Chemotherapy fails upwards of 93 and 98% percent of the time depending on which study you look at. If the symptoms are especially for men over 40-year-old doctor prostate screening may require. Would you like to have a high school or college student that possibly lives in your neighborhood or attends school with your children read over your extensive family member’s medical records and personal information? In order to insure my privacy and avoid any potential reprisals, further abuse or exploitation, I will remain Anonymous. Per some studies and depending on your treatment; the risk of long term or permanent fatigue is about 25% to 60%. It is unlikely any of the above recommendations will be implemented unless prostate cancer affected a larger percent of the population or enough prominent people are affected. Prostate Radiotherapy (EBRT-external beam radiation therapy) for cancer treatment. Under the HIPAA laws you are entitled to a copy of all your medical records, however if you try to obtain a copy of extensive records as in a hospital stay you may be met with resistance. This treatment procedure implants about 40 to 100 radioactive seeds in the prostate, sometimes resulting in urinary problems. I’ll get the results of this one on June 6, 2018. Investigate before you participate in any clinical trial. Internist Harvey B. Simon, M.D., editor of the monthly newsletter Harvard Men’s Health Watch responds: It’s not likely that your father will develop an infection following his prostate biopsy. HIPAA laws are deficient and often will not protect your privacy. These statistics do not include many more people that have had there lives destroyed or shortened by modern medicine or a reduction in QOL (quality of life). This confirmed to me what I had read about the PSA misunderstanding and abuse. A doctor cut six biopsies of my prostate because my PSA level was four, from then on I can’t have an erection, I believe he cut a nerve, is there any remedy or way to correct this problem? I was told I likely had cancer and had biopsies done. I feel modern medicine has abused and failed me due to the lack of guidelines and regulation, still approved obsolete technology, better unapproved treatments, exploitation, greed, apathy and incompetence. Once the cancer has spread beyond the prostate gland, it becomes significantly harder to treat. My PSA level stayed high for several years although gradually came down a little but never back to normal. Thanks. Prostate cancer patients are often elderly, over treated, misinformed and often exploited for profits by predatory doctors and huge profits. Your privacy and confidentiality is not that secure. Prostate cancer patients must protect themselves as the only alternative! The man who invented the PSA test, Dr. Richard Ablin now calls it “the Great Prostate Mistake, Hoax and a Profit-Driven Public Health Disaster”. Also .2% to 1.2% risk of deaths as a result of prostate cancer surgery or medical mistakes. This can happen if the infection-causing bacteria are resistant to the antibiotic that was prescribed. The doctor prescribed tablets in 24 hours and an ultrasound. Medical mistakes cause more deaths then suicide, firearms and motor vehicle accidents combined.

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