Ubuntu diff files

Provided by: diffutils_3.6-1_amd64 NAME diff - compare files line by line SYNOPSIS diff [OPTION]...FILES DESCRIPTION Compare FILES line by line.

If one file is a directory, then a file in that directory with basename the same as that of the other file is used. When shown by git diff-files -c, it compares the two unresolved merge parents with the working tree file (i.e. If both files are directories The output differs from the format described above in the following way: 1. there is a colon for each Diff tells what lines must be changed in two files to bring them into agreement.

"git-diff-tree", "git-diff-files" and "git-diff --raw" can take -c or --cc option to generate diff output also for merge commits. Finally compare the files with the following command line, $ diff file-a.1 file-b.1 5a6 > 6 This identifies the number, that is only found in the second file of your sample input from the original question. Then let's create the diff file: diff -ua abc abc2 > abc-abc2.diff Now let's try to recover abc2 thanks to the original abc file and abc-abc2.diff: cp abc abc3 patch abc3 or or OTHER DIFF FORMATS The --summary Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too. See man diff for details, if youdiff. I'm maintaining Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS and Debian 4.9.210-1 systems. diff show me the difference INTO files but not if a directory contains a file that the other one not contains !!!

file1 is stage 2 aka "our version", file2 is stage 3 aka "their version").

With diff I created two very similar 256 MB files abc and abc2. diff への 2 つの引数がディレクトリだった場合、 両方のディレクトリにそれぞれのファイルが、 ファイル名のアルファベット順に比較される。 通常はファイルのペアに違いが全くなければ、何も 出力しない。 しかし

I don't need know the differences into file but also if a file exist in a directory and not in the other one – AndreaNobili Feb 16 '14 at 17:17