Class RelieseCoders CodersServiceProvider not found

Created a .net Standard 1.4 class library, and then used it in a web application created by targetting .netframework 4.6.2. when running web application the blow exception was thrown. Instead I assume you are using class CL_EX_TEST within your z-class. I guess it is missing. class t3lib_extMgm not found bei Datasba... [Frage] class t3lib_extMgm not found bei Datasbase analyzer 6.2.4 -> 8.7.0 TYPO3-Version: - MrSpock T3PO.

04. The previous answers are misleading because you obviously do not transport a standard class from DEV to QA system. I found that somehow the MySQL table wp_options became corrupted. 2017, 13:50 Hallo, möchte mein CMS von der Version 6.2.4 auf 8.7.0 upgraden. I replaced the bad table by creating a new empty MySQL database on my server then uploading a new using the file manager. Please check in table PROGDIR whether their is an entry for CL_EX_TEST=====CO (protected section) on the QA system. I had no backup of the database. Thanks a lot for the help. I find the way to enable the zip module from the GoDaddy CPanel and it indeed solved the problem. I extracted the WordPress file and then installed WordPress to create new tables in the new MySQL database. Habe die Sourcen hochgeladen, den Link gesetzt und install ausgeführt. 0 x . Im Upgrade … 14 Beiträge: 0: Hilfreiche Beiträge: Facebook; Twitter; 08.