ByVal control As IRibbonControl

templateFile = labelTemplateFile1st. Set objDoc = CreateObject("bpac.Document") For i = 1 To numRows. Dim templateFile As String. mailService = ActiveSheet.Cells(i + 1, 11).Text . Hallo, ich bin beim erstellen meiner neuen Menueleisten auf die Idee gekommen, dass die Symbolleiste je nach Arbeitsblatt wechseln könnte. If mailService = "1" Then. I can change the to Private ribbon As Office.IRibbonControl using intelisense. Dim mailService As String. The odd thing (to me at least) is the line directly above that code is: Private ribbon As Office.IRibbonUI.

The "ByVal control as IRibbonControl" has a wavy blue underline and when I mouse over it states: "Type IRibbonControl is not defined" Hence the step fails and I can't complete the exercise. numRows = GetRowCount(2) Dim objDoc As bpac.Document. Public Sub PrintLabels(ByVal Control As IRibbonControl) Dim numRows As Integer . Betrifft: control As IRibbonControl die zweite / wechselnde von: Sonnenpeter Geschrieben am: 21.12.2008 15:32:31.