Vous pouvez tenter de restaurer le registre Windows 10 depuis l’invite de commandes des options de récupération.. Pour accéder à la restauration du système depuis les options de récupération de Windows 10. Bad_system_config_info (bsod) Open. 时间:2019-10-29 来源:系统之家 作者:zhixiang If it’s the “Bad System Config Info” error, in this post we will tell you what it is, what causes it, and how to fix it.

Ozone like. What if System Restore Fails to Fix BAD_SYSTEM_CONFIG_INFO?

Bad system config info windows 10. The other way to fix bad system config info issue in Windows 10, 8 or 7, you can try to restore from the Last known good configuration from Advanced mode: For Windows 10/8 users: Step 1: Open "Start" and click on "Power" > Press and hold "Shift" > Click on "Restart". If due to this blue screen windows 10 frequently restarts or won’t boot normally. If you are seeing ‘BAD_SYSTEM_CONFIG_INFO‘ on your computer screen during boot process, then there is some corruption in your Boot Configuration File (BCD) directory on your computer.Unless you address the matter, you will not be able to boot into Windows 10. If not, go through the guidelines below to perform a reset on Windows 10. So, without ado, follow these easy step-by-step instructions and the problem will be solved pretty quickly.

Downloading drivers for the system is not a very complex method. This will start windows normally if driver conflict causing this BSOD.

Initiate the Automatic Repair Process as mentioned above. Windows 7を8→8.1へアップグレードし、しばらく使っていましたが、ある日突然bad system config info というエラーが出て再起動を永遠と繰り返します。 色々と調べてみましたが、WIN8での具体的な対策が見当たらなかったので、質問させて頂きます。 Perform startup repair. Fix “bad system config info Windows 10” with EaseUS Partition Manager EaseUS Partition Manager is special software that has enough power to resolve this issue and other issues like “ WSAPPX High CPU “, “ the file is too large for the destination file system “.

win10蓝屏提示bad system config info怎么办?蓝屏提示bad system config info的解决办法. You may either keep all your files or delete them for a perfect system restore. Résoudre Bad System Config Info sur Windows 10 Restaurer le registre de Windows 10. 現象:ブルースクリーン(bad system config info)が表示され再起動を繰り返す OS:windows10 メーカー:nec 原因:論理障害 フラグ: 起動修復 ・状況について(お客様談) お客様談:前日もいつも通り使えていた。

First of all, disconnect all external devices and start windows normally.

Blue screen with "Stop Code: Bad System Config Info" message Hi, this one seems to come up alot and I've tried many of the suggestions but not getting anywhere.As many others report, my PC gets stuck in an unsuccessful 'Diagnosing problem' and 'automatic repair', which fails. What is the “Bad System Config Info” error?