KUALA LUMPUR: The new government’s decision to set up an action council to address the country’s pressing economic issues has received positive responses. Public officials are currently mulling the extension of the lockdown until June 15, which indicates that the country isn’t on the verge of managing the pandemic, contrary to DOH pronouncements.Â, However, Dr. Julie Caguiat, also of CPRH, mentioned that there should be a better roadmap to attaining this with “mass testing not only for those with symptoms. Because the wealthy own a great portion of the country's land, farmland is expensive. There have been moments of abject incompetence from those in power around the world, but using the pandemic as a reason for increasingly flexing authoritarian muscles spells danger for the Philippines post-lockdown. Finding the balance between public health and reviving the economy has been fraught with dilemmas. The state should welcome the involvement of civil society groups and the private sector in the relief effort and reduce obstacles of various permits for their participation.”, Robert Lunzaga, a community leader in the province of Bulacan from the national urban poor group Kadamay, told The Diplomat that not only were SAP allotments too few for their predominantly impoverished town but those aligned with organizations critical of the administration were bullied by the authorities. The arrests occurred just over a week after Duterte granted himself emergency powers to deal with the pandemic. Many children live in poverty in the Philippines, often lacking adequate shelter and clothing. At a police press briefing in early April, arrests were shown to have spiked during the quarantine, with the cops nabbing an average of more than a thousand people per day nationwide.Â, Former DSWD chief and now of the broad network CURE COVID (Citizen’s Urgent Response to End COVID-19) Judy Taguiwalo criticized the use of an outdated census to guide the state’s relief effort. declared they will stop issuing warnings and will simply arrest even low-level violators of the quarantine rules. More than 99 million Filipinos lived on less than $5,000 a year. With a slashed budget for disease surveillance and epidemiology for 2020, contact tracing was increasingly difficult in Metro Manila for example, one of the world’s most densely populated cities.”, Since the start of the pandemic, China has maintained a favorable position in the Duterte administration’s eyes. However, Manila’s overall response to the pandemic has been fraught with incompetence and rife with terror.Â. On top of deploying thousands of police and soldiers throughout the archipelago to enforce the ECQ, Duterte has on two occasions threatened the public with all-out martial law. The group’s secretary general Cristina Palabay said, “The Duterte government and its minions [are] exploiting quarantine measures to harass, vilify, and rabidly arrest — even kill — activists. Duterte ordered a travel ban only for passengers coming from Wuhan, China specifically on January 31, a day after the first case of COVID-19 was confirmed in the Philippines. DOH data is based on those who are confirmed positive with the virus but it has thousands of backlogs which we don’t yet know the results.”. In a new book, a professor at the National Defense University in Washington, D.C. explores how great power competition is driving greater naval reach of Eurasian powers. However, a great deal depends on the public’s reaction to the disease. That’s according to the World Bank’s latest edition of Global Economic Prospects. As China held a hearing on a #MeToo icon’s case, Hong Kong was grappling with its biggest sexual harassment scandal yet. Filipino workers who make the daily operation of transport systems, factories, and malls possible are still largely left out in the government’s aid efforts,” said the coalition in a joint statement.Â, The whole world is looking forward to a return to some semblance of normalcy. But a few days earlier, government leaders were touting Philippine generosity in aiding China with a donation of masks worth $1.4 million that were shipped to Wuhan.Â, A full month passed before Duterte officially declared the country in a “State of Public Health Emergency” on March 9, five days before the number of confirmed COVID 19 patients breached the 100 mark. Lunzaga adds, “We have four barangays (towns) in the Pandi municipality, each with more than a thousand poor families. People are lining up under the heat of the summer sun desperate for assistance. Critics say that concentrated wealth in the hands of a few rich Filipinos prevents the majority of the population from sharing in rapid economic growth. In one week, a population-control bill in the Philippines is likely to be passed that supports coercive government-funded family-planning initiatives for demographically targeted populations. Its growth is hindered by underdeveloped infrastructure and widespread poverty. Covering financial news, economic issues, stock market data, local business, business policy and more. The UAE has officially approved a Sinopharm vaccine, while there are promising unofficial results from Sinovac’s Indonesia trial. Because foreign nations see the Filipino government as untrustworthy, foreign nations and businesses hesitate to invest capital in the country. San Pedro adds, “Despite being endowed with tens of thousands of test kits in donations we failed to meet the target of 8,000 tests per day at the end of April. That has meant curfews, harsh penalties for being outside, and an impoverished population descending into hunger.Â. Despite rapid economic growth in the Philippines in recent years, unemployment remains a persistent problem for the sprawling Southeast Asian nation of … The decline in poverty in the Philippines is slower than that of other nations in the region, and for those who depend on farming and fishing for income, economic trends keep them poor, largely due to misuse of … In Beijing’s pursuit of shifting its trade and energy dependencies from sea to land, Nur-Sultan is a necessary partner. North Korea continues to be hypersensitive about its handling of the pandemic. Us, Write Since the lockdown went into effect, he has peddled the narrative of. How can Filipinos, especially low-income families, stay at home when they are being forced into homelessness?Â. Maybe social workers can go house to house, but they are also lacking PPEs and working long hours. Economic problems in the Philippines include high unemployment and the concentration of wealth in a small number of wealthy families. He has also brought up unsubstantiated activities of guerrilla groups as threats to government aid efforts without conceding any missteps in his management. The Philippine economy suffered its deepest contraction on record in the second quarter and revised down its forecast for the year amid one of Asia’s strictest lockdowns against the coronavirus. The economy should have regained some lost ground in Q3 following Q2’s huge contraction, although momentum was likely still shaky amid lingering restrictions on activity. The Philippines is among the newly democratized developing states. The backlash facing Filipinos now and after the quarantine is quite a distressing picture. Business news and analysis. Economic Problem in the Philippines Effects Of Collapse Of The Philippines. The pandemic caused the largest global recession in history, with more than a third of the global population at … The Duterte administration’s COVID-19 response marries incompetence with militarism. Traditionally, the economy stabilized on the agrarian contributions and the manufacture of garments, pharmaceutical products, and semiconductors. For this reason, infrastructure does not develop fast enough to keep pace with the growing population. The report adds details to a plan introduced by now former Secretary of Defense Mark Esper. USAID facilitates trade and investment by reducing regulatory bottlenecks, entry barriers and discriminatory provisions to investment; improving the environment for competition; enhancing … Investment growth slowed in 2017, following two consecutive years of rapid expansion, and climbing inflation slowed real wage growth and contributed to a moderation in private consumption growth. The biggest single haul of the crackdown came on Labor Day, May 1. Stories such as those of a mentally ill Army veteran who was shot dead for being outside and a fish vendor severely beaten for not wearing a face mask have become commonplace. While the unemployment rate fell notably in the third quarter, it was still close to double its pre-Covid-19 level, which, coupled with rock-bottom consumer sentiment and … Maybe social workers can go house to house, but they are also lacking PPEs and working long hours. “Inflation is the most political of all economic risks because it can be felt immediately,” said Gene Pilapil, a political science professor at the University of the Philippines in Quezon City. Plagued by chronic procedural problems in the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), there are constant complaints of the SAP not reaching its intended beneficiaries and the allocations per town being far too small to do much good. Curfew violators, poor and displaced residents, activists, and alleged “fake news” disseminators are facing arrest and persecution as they accuse authorities of failing to provide relief. Their already poverty-stricken community, like many others, had found it near impossible to deal with having no livelihood or even space to stock up on food in such tight quarters. China's massive investments in Ethiopia give it a lot to lose amid renewed sectarian violence. Michael Beltran is a freelance journalist from the Philippines. Collapsing of Philippines Many countries and organizations start to wonder that... Philippines Underdevelopment. The start of the school year in the Philippines has been delayed, again. or “undisciplined” citizens as responsible for the ensuing problems. It wasn’t until April 14 that the DOH commenced mass testing to rectify their earlier errors, but some critics say present efforts are still gravely insufficient. In the last decade, electronic exports added to the exports, along with various products obtained by min… He was brought to the local military encampment and told to cease all political activity, surrender to the government, and only then would they receive any aid. He subsequently drew flak for violating quarantine protocols to visit his pregnant wife in the hospital, putting all the medical staff at risk. After analyzing government data, mathematics professor Lex Muga hopes that the target can be achieved but explained that “community transmission has not stopped. He had a message for anyone who intended to replicate the behavior of the San Roque residents: “I will not hesitate. If wages stagnate or don't keep up with the cost of living, middle-class families generally feel the impacts hard. Poverty is a major social problem in the Philippines with 21.6 percent of the Filipino population earning an income below the poverty line, according to the Philippine Statistics Authority. The U.S. government partners with the government of the Philippines to address constraints to growth in the Philippines, largely by enhancing the country’s economic competitiveness. But there are conditions, such as mass testing. Many children live in poverty in the Philippines, often lacking adequate shelter and clothing. COVID-19 could affect the global economy in three main ways: by directly affecting production, by creating supply chain and market disruption, and by its financial impact on firms and financial markets. More infuriating for the public was the fact that the department confessed, two days later, to giving preferential treatment and testing to 34 unnamed public officials and their families. For most middle-class families without high-return investment accounts or trust funds to rely on, their main source of income are their jobs. Lunzaga adds, “We have four barangays (towns) in the Pandi municipality, each with more than a thousand poor families. There have been moments of abject incompetence from those in power around the world, but using the pandemic as a reason for increasingly flexing authoritarian muscles spells danger for the Philippines post-lockdown. Ninety-two individuals across five cities were imprisoned while either engaging in feeding programs or joining online protests.Â, Prominent human rights group KARAPATAN slammed the mass arrests, saying the regime should refocus its efforts. In the last week of March, Duterte announced a larger economic relief package of nearly $4 billion, primarily for low-income families, dubbed the Social Amelioration Program (SAP). Impoverished children often live with their parents in bamboo huts that lack adequate stability and structure. With no available sources of income and virtually nonexistent savings, many homeless and slum dwellers bore the brunt of the ECQ.Â. TAIPEI - Poverty in the Philippines, a chronic development issue that makes the country an outlier in Asia, is declining because of economic strength followed by job creation. On top of deploying thousands of police and soldiers throughout the archipelago to enforce the ECQ, Duterte has on two occasions threatened the public with all-out martial law. , attributed to a reluctance to upset relations with China. Twenty-one of the hungry protesters were beaten and arrested by the police. The Philippine economy is seen shrinking by 5.5 percent this year, the body in charge of setting the government’s macroeconomic goals and policies said on Thursday following the deep contraction in the second quarter as the COVID-19 crisis continued. After recording the first locally transmitted case in November, Mongolia’s local cases of COVID-19 have surpassed imported cases. A majority of these countries began to use western democracies to shape their government. Those who are helping the poor are being put in jail.”Â. Although the Philippine economy grew substantially in the early 2010s, lingering poverty remains another economic problem in the country. The articles were compiled in Endnote (Thomson Reuters, San Francisco, CA, USA). But a few days earlier, government leaders were touting Philippine generosity in aiding China with a donation of masks worth $1.4 million that were shipped to Wuhan.Â, The World Health Organization (WHO) has urged the mass production and use of testing kits as a basic necessity in combating the pandemic, yet even the, on March 20 felt that there was “no need for mass testing yet,” a reminder of how they sorely misread the situation.Â, Doctor Josh San Pedro, a co-convener of the Coalition of People’s Right to Health (CPRH), explained to, that “health authorities may have been complacent, as it was only in mid-March that significant improvements were made to testing capacity, despite locally-made kits being ready as early as February. What’s worse, instead of easing the overall burden that the virus unleashed on the country, it seems the last resort lockdown itself added to a plethora of problems without adequately addressing the primary crisis at hand: ensuring public health and safety. In the last week of March, Duterte announced a larger economic relief package of nearly $4 billion, primarily for low-income families, dubbed the Social Amelioration Program (SAP). If Biden changes course on China, relatively speaking, could India-U.S. relations be affected? Credit: Ace Morandante/Malacanang Presidential Photographers Division via AP)\, The global crisis is first and foremost a public health issue, but Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has faced the coronavirus pandemic in a decidedly militaristic fashion. But each barangay has only been allotted around 400 slots for the SAP. The incident summarily reflected the handling of grievances by the authorities during the lockdown. But what makes the Philippine government one of the worst examples of handling the pandemic is its incompetence married with militarism threaded throughout its responses. Majority of testing centers are still in Metro Manila, while only six are located in the provinces. Arrests have also extended to anyone caught criticizing the administration’s perceived failures during the pandemic. How will Beijing use its version? While Singapore, Taiwan, Vietnam, and Hong Kong took the early initiative on travel restrictions and emergency measures, the Philippines was noticeably late to follow suit. The Philippines has recorded the worst economic growth since the recession in 1981, according to the data released by Philippine Statistics Authority. Other locals have recounted similar stories. Although this economy is predicted to be the 16th largest by the year 2050, it does face some significant challenges. At the very least, it is deemed a step in the right direction. At a police press briefing in early April, arrests were shown to have spiked during the quarantine, with the cops nabbing an average of more than a thousand people per day nationwide.Â, Since then there have been reports and sightings of extreme prejudice in the operations of law enforcement. When we can see that the number of cases are decreasing daily is when we can assume the curve is flattening. He was brought to the local military encampment and told to cease all political activity, surrender to the government, and only then would they receive any aid. Guidelines for ‘expansion’ of testing were only released on April 16. As of writing, only 0.1 percent of the population has been tested. Democracy In The Philippines. Philippines Manila: A megacity where the living must share with the dead As the world faces overpopulation, the Philippine capital highlights the problems it … With newly acquired powers he called for an even stricter implementation of the ECQ. Since the lockdown went into effect, he has peddled the narrative of pasaways or “undisciplined” citizens as responsible for the ensuing problems. "Since around 1980, the household i… The incident has warranted no probe nor sanction from the authorities. The model BIT of 2016 is vague, flawed, and offers little succor for Indian or foreign investors. A week later, the government announced its initial emergency response package to the virus, totaling $535 million. NOAA Hurricane Forecast Maps Are Often Misinterpreted — Here's How to Read Them. Going to every door also requires a universal approach. This tax structure resulted in a nationwide revenue problem during the worldwide recession of the early 2000s, because nationals living abroad earn less money and as a result, pay fewer taxes. Palabay pointed to the murder of relief worker Jory Porquia the day before Labor Day by suspected elements of law enforcement as the backdrop of her comments. © 2020 Diplomat Media Inc. All Rights Reserved. The Philippines and Democracy 2439 Words | 10 Pages. Like most other southeast Asian regions, Philippines too has a history of European colonization. They should instead opt for a universal approach, extending financial assistance to everyone in need throughout the process. With a slashed budget for disease surveillance and epidemiology for 2020, contact tracing was increasingly difficult in Metro Manila for example, one of the world’s most densely populated cities.”. The Diplomat has removed paywall restrictions on our coverage of the COVID–19 crisis. Titles and abstracts were screened for eligibility. On Thursday, the PSA announced that the country’s gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate declined by 16.5% in the second quarter of 2020, which was the lowest recorded quarterly growth since 1981. With hospitals reportedly lacking in personal protective equipment (PPE), the financial stimulus came with disheartening details that half of the amount was intended for boosting the tourism industry and only 11.4 percent was aimed toward the acquisition of testing kits and other materials to curb the virus.Â, The World Health Organization (WHO) has urged the mass production and use of testing kits as a basic necessity in combating the pandemic, yet even the DOH on March 20 felt that there was “no need for mass testing yet,” a reminder of how they sorely misread the situation.Â, Doctor Josh San Pedro, a co-convener of the Coalition of People’s Right to Health (CPRH), explained to The Diplomat that “health authorities may have been complacent, as it was only in mid-March that significant improvements were made to testing capacity, despite locally-made kits being ready as early as February. People are lining up under the heat of the summer sun desperate for assistance. “Income growth of the middle class has been slower than for both those above and below them,” Richard Reeves, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institute and the director of its Future of the Middle Class Initiative, told ABC News. On the day the first case was confirmed in the Philippines, presidential spokesperson Salvador Panelo clarified that the government wouldn’t be distributing masks to vulnerable populations as, . The Philippines’ annual exports rose sharply in 2017 and became the main engine of economic growth, while imports continued to grow by double-digits. Downplaying the hysteria as Filipinos scrambled for protective, medical, and sanitation equipment, Duterte attempted to allay fears in early February, saying there was “nothing really to be scared of.”Â, Meanwhile, there was a noticeable rapid decline in supplies of items like face masks. October 20, 2020. What growth occurred in recent years came in the real estate and gambling industries, which do not produce long-term, middle-class jobs. Longstanding tensions between East Malaysia and Peninsular Malaysia have some seeking autonomy – or even secession. She told The Diplomat, “Limiting the financial assistance to a list based on the 2015 census created major delays in the distribution. Other locals have recounted similar stories. The Philippine government has been boasting that as early as March 16, they had the gumption to implement a lockdown in major cities and provinces in response to the unfolding COVID-19 pandemic. A few days later, the ban was expanded to the entirety of China, with the delay, as affirmed by Department of Health (DOH) chief. While Singapore, Taiwan, Vietnam, and Hong Kong took the early initiative on travel restrictions and emergency measures, the Philippines was noticeably late to follow suit. In this May 11, 2020, photo provided by the Malacanang Presidential Photographers Division, Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, wearing a mask, talks to cabinet officials during a meeting at the Malacanang presidential palace in Manila, Philippines. Even with ECQ measures still in place in early May, the government allowed for large-scale gambling with the re-opening of Philippine Offshore Gaming Operations or POGOs, which have a significant Chinese workforce and capital. It is also looked upon as a perfect example of a ‘mixed economy’. Additionally, many people here rely on remittances from family living abroad, which means that if the economic situation of Filipinos living abroad declines, remittances will also decrease. As the SARS-CoV-2 virus has spread around the globe, concerns have shifted from supply-side manufacturing issues to decreased business in the services sector. Former DSWD chief and now of the broad network CURE COVID (Citizen’s Urgent Response to End COVID-19) Judy Taguiwalo criticized the use of an outdated census to guide the state’s relief effort. Many people are desperate and fighting over aid … just to get $100 to $150.”, To deal with the inadequacies, Congress’ Makabayan (Patriotic) bloc, composed of several opposition parties, has forwarded a bill to expand the SAP in the hopes of reaching out to more Filipinos in need. Renewed demands for equal rights from Thailand’s LGBT activists have accompanied the recent pro-democracy protests. But we should be testing for all, not only by priority. Many people are desperate and fighting over aid … just to get $100 to $150.”, About A few days later, the ban was expanded to the entirety of China, with the delay, as affirmed by Department of Health (DOH) chief Francisco Duque, attributed to a reluctance to upset relations with China. Those were the years the country was under Ferdinand Marcos and martial law , witnessed the assassination of Benigno Aquino, Jr. , saw changes to the Philippine energy law , [ clarification needed ] and the popularity of … It was a colony of Spain and the USA. After experiencing years of positive growth, the Philippine economy between 1973 and 1986 suffered a downturn due to a mixture of domestic and international problems. Philippines Economic Outlook. Hopefully, there can be random testing in areas that may have bigger concentrations of people.” Caguiat also noted that testing operations should be free (some cost around $60), with clear procedures on contact tracing for all — something that has yet to be undertaken, unlike in neighboring countries.Â, In the immediate aftermath of the lockdown, poor Filipinos especially were distraught by the prospect of contending with hunger. The controversial “Go To” domestic tourism subsidy has come under the microscope for possibly facilitating the nation’s explosion of coronavirus cases. Malacañang on Thursday contested the Philippines' low ranking in a resilience index by Bloomberg, an international top financial news provider, some 8 months into the varying degrees of lockdown that robbed millions of their job and lashed the economy. Important as a stimulus to trade was the gradual elimination of the monopoly enjoyed by the galleon to Acapulco. The Philippines' rich biodiversity is under threat, mostly from human activities, including deforestation and forest degradation, illegal fishing and illicit wildlife trade. The state should welcome the involvement of civil society groups and the private sector in the relief effort and reduce obstacles of various permits for their participation.”, Robert Lunzaga, a community leader in the province of Bulacan from the national urban poor group Kadamay, told, that not only were SAP allotments too few for their predominantly impoverished town but those aligned with organizations critical of the administration were bullied by the authorities. Inflation is currently running at 35 percent and unemployment is about 23 percent throughout the Philippines.14 Economic growth may fall … Democracy in the Philippines After … The president of PDP-Laban (Partido Demokratiko Pilipino–Lakas ng Bayan), Duterte’s party, Senator Aquilino “Koko” Pimentel III, was among the legislators who tested positive for COVID-19. A COVID-19 Prophecy: Did Nostradamus Have a Prediction About This Apocalyptic Year? Going to every door also requires a universal approach. The Filipino government relies largely on taxes collected from nationals living abroad. Economic problems in the Philippines include high unemployment and the concentration of wealth in a small number of wealthy families. Unfortunately, local stakeholders, who have the greatest stake in protecting the environment and the natural resources therein, have limited economic incentives, financial support and capacity to manage high biodiversity … The implementation of the Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) came on the heels of serious negligence — namely, the authorities failing to keep up with the preventive measures of neighboring countries and grossly underestimating the virus. And after the quarantine is quite a distressing picture warranted no probe nor sanction from the Philippines democracy. Collapse of the quarantine rules facilitating the nation’s explosion of coronavirus cases conditions, as. 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